
A web interface for community annotations

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mice being labeled

Ourlabels - Web Based Community Annotation

A React.js website which can be used for annotating datasets (currently only rectangular annotations, but polygons to come)

All annotations are stored on a replicated, mongo database. A great resource for mongo databases is MongoDB Atlas. Raw annotation units are fractions proportionate to the image at whatever resolution is displayed (zoomed or not).

Annotation container

  • Image component
    • A reusable component, but still needs a lot of work to truly be reusable
    • Uses react-konva to allow users to draw on an image and get sub-pixel specificity for coordinates
  • Classification component
    • Controls classification selection
    • Controls zoom level
    • Controls label types


  • A user with administrator role can create a project
  • Projects can be of a predefined project type (currently: science, science video, civic, civic video)
  • Projects may be public (open to anyone with an account) or private (open to users who have been approved by the project owner).
  • Projects have
    • Labels (owners add these definitions for annotations - see labels)
    • Videos (Sequences of images) if a video type project
    • Images if a regular project
    • Owners
  • Data from projects can be downloaded by:
    • Owners if a private project
    • Anyone if a public project


  • Video projects are special and backend operators must have ffmpeg with the ability to process the types of videos that are accepted.
  • Videos are limited to 15 MB and are split into individual frames (no matter what framerate the video is).
  • Default accepted video types are: MPEG2, MPEG4, TS
  • Annotation of video files is simplified by the presence of the Copy button on the Classification component. The Copy button allows a user to copy the previous frame's annotations, which the user can then alter for the current frame and save. It greatly reduces the cost of annotating.


  • Labels for a project are determined by the project owner. Labels consist of a color, a label, and a description.
  • Labels are displayed on the Classification component when annotating an image/frame.


  • Annotation data can be downloaded in two formats,
    • COCO JSON format
      • Occluded, Truncated, Difficult attributes are not retained.
    • PASCAL VOC XML format
      • Occluded, Truncated, Difficult attributes are retained.