
Lightweight package for interacting with ChatGPT's API by OpenAI. Uses reverse engineered official API.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Reverse Engineered ChatGPT by OpenAI. Extensible for chatbots etc.


If you were using this prior to version 0.0.24, please update immediately. pip3 install revChatGPT --upgrade. Fixes has been done to avoid bot blocking.


This is not an official OpenAI product. This is a personal project and is not affiliated with OpenAI in any way. Don't sue me

This is a library and not intended for direct CLI use

The CLI functionality is for demo and testing only. Captcha is not supported (For unclean IP addresses)

CLI use

@rawandahmad698 has a much better CLI tool at

PyChatGPT supports captcha!

Urgent help needed

  • Writing tests
  • More verbose error handling
  • Decrecate bs4 in favor of pure requests

Wiki is now open to all contributors



  • No moderation
  • Programmable



pip3 install revChatGPT --upgrade

Email and password authentication

    "email": "<YOUR_EMAIL>",
    "password": "<YOUR_PASSWORD>"

Save this in config.json in current working directory

Token Authentication

Go to https://chat.openai.com/chat and log in or sign up
  1. Open console with F12
  2. Open Application tab > Cookies image
  3. Copy the value for __Secure-next-auth.session-token and paste it into config.json.example under session_token. You do not need to fill out Authorization image
  4. Save the modified file to config.json (In the current working directory)


 $ python3 -m revChatGPT            

    ChatGPT - A command-line interface to OpenAI's ChatGPT (https://chat.openai.com/chat)
    Repo: github.com/acheong08/ChatGPT
    Arguments: Use --stream to enable data streaming. (Doesn't work on MacOS)
Type '!help' to show commands
Press enter twice to submit your question.

You: !help

                !help - Show this message
                !reset - Forget the current conversation
                !refresh - Refresh the session authentication
                !exit - Exit the program

Refresh every so often in case the token expires.


pip3 install revChatGPT --upgrade

from revChatGPT.revChatGPT import Chatbot
import json

# Get your config in JSON
config = {
    "email": "<YOUR_EMAIL>",
    "password": "<YOUR_PASSWORD>"

chatbot = Chatbot(config, conversation_id=None)
chatbot.reset_chat() # Forgets conversation
chatbot.refresh_session() # Uses the session_token to get a new bearer token
resp = chatbot.get_chat_response(prompt, output="text") # Sends a request to the API and returns the response by OpenAI
resp['message'] # The message sent by the response
resp['conversation_id'] # The current conversation id
resp['parent_id'] # The ID of the response

 # This returns a stream of text (live update)
resp = chatbot.get_chat_response(prompt, output="stream") 
for line in resp: # You have to loop through the response stream
        print(line['message']) # Same format as text return type

This can be imported to projects for bots and much more. You can have multiple independent conversations by keeping track of the conversation_id.

Awesome ChatGPT

My list

If you have a cool project you want added to the list, open an issue.

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