
APIs for fetching basic movie information from IMDB.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Basic APIs for getting movie information based on imdb id. Data is getting updates every day.

API docs are available on: https://imdb.appido.ir/docs

How it works

This app downloads imdb datasets from https://datasets.imdbws.com. Downloaded data are huge and IMDd updates it every day.

Using this data, then I extract them see helpers.ex, and afer few cleanups, I added them to related fragmented :mnesia tables. This way, the data is available on demand and very fast.

Using API


GET /api/{imdb_id}

Example: GET https://imdb.appido.ir/api/tt3538766


end_year: 2015,
genres: [ ],
id: "tt3538766",
is_adult: false,
rate: 7.3,
runtime: 93,
start_year: 2014,
title: "Messi",
type: "movie",
votes: 3332


Run the following

#!/usr/bin/env bash
mix deps.get
mix do deps.compile, compile
cp .env.example .env
source .env
bash data/download.sh
MIX_ENV=prod mix run -e OpenMovieApi.DbSetup.run
echo Processing the data. Will take few hours. Please wait ...
MIX_ENV=prod mix run -e OpenMovieApi.Commands.process_all
PORT=8014 MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.server

or simply run ./run.sh. API will be served on port 8014.

Updating data:

You may want your data to be up to date. add something like this to your crontab:

30 3 * * 1 cd <APP_FOLDER> && /usr/bin/bash upload.sh

This command will start updating movie database at 03:30 every monday.


I am Farsheed Ashouri. If you have any quesions regarding to this software, drop me a mail: farsheed ashouri org