
Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Cloudfuzzer is a cloud fuzzing framework. Purpose of cloudfuzzer is to make it possible to easily run automated fuzz-testing in cloud environment.

In cloud environment bastion instance works as a SSH gateway between outside world and fuzzing cluster. It is used to deliver docker image from user to swarm machines. Bastion is also used for storing fuzzing results.

Fuzzvm instances consist of one swarm-master and N swarm-nodes. Swarm-master is used to set up docker-swarm, including all swarm-machine instances. It distributes fuzzing jobs, once received from Bastion. Swarm-nodes run fuzzing docker containers and sync results with bastion. Swarm-nodes can be run as Preemptible/SpotInstance instances because they have shutdown detection and they sync results before shutdown.

Getting started

Example script for GCE

Example script for setup in GCE is found in tests/gce-tests/gce-setup.sh

config files

Config file of cloudfuzzer is named cloudfuzzer.conf user.conf overrides cloudfuzzer.conf.

Following variables are used:

BASTION_ADDRESS="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" # IP address of bastion
SSH_OPTS="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i $CLOUDFUZZER_DIR/vm-keys/bastion-key" # SSH options
BASTION_USER="ubuntu" # Bastion username


Use following command to source cloudfuzzer functions

$ source scripts/functions.bash.inc

Available commands (usage: cloudfuzzer <command>):

bastion <command> - run <command> on bastion.
create-keys - create new vm-keys
get-results - get results from cloudfuzzer
get-stats - get various stats and logs from cloudfuzzer fuzzvm docker
help - print this
send-docker-data <directory> - send docker data directory to bastion
ssh - ssh to bastion

To get help for specific command type

$ cloudfuzzer <command> help


Packer is used to provision ssh keys to the bastion and fuzzvm images.

By default keys should be named bastion-key, bastion-key.pub and fuzzvm-key, fuzzvm-key.pub and should locate in folder ./vm-keys.

You can use following command to create rsa 4096 keys for you.

$ cloudfuzzer create-keys

Keys are provisioned so that bastion can access all machines created from fuzzvm-image, and fuzzvm can access all other fuzzvms and bastion. (Currently there are no separate users for different operations, so you get full root access with these keys.)


Packer is used for creating images to cloud environment. You must build images for bastion and fuzzvm. You find the packer files from packer/ directory.

By default, packer files for bastion and fuzzvm use use_variables for account_file and project_id. One way to use them is to make a separate json-file:

    "account_file":	"/path/to/your/account_file.json",
    "project_id":	"your_cloudfuzzer_project_id"

After that you can build images with following commands (Google Cloud)


$ packer build -only=gcloud -var-file=/path/to/your/variables.json packer-bastion.json


$ packer build -only=gcloud -var-file=/path/to/your/variables.json packer-fuzzvm.json


After creating images with packer you should setup running instances in cloud environment.

  • 1x bastion
  • Nx fuzzvm

Bastion should have access public ip so it can be accessed from outside network while fuzzvm should only have internal network ip.

Setting it up

$ cloudfuzzer bastion setup-swarm <nodes>

List of ip addresses of nodes should be given as argument for setup-swarm.sh

Distributing docker image

Save docker image to cloudfuzzer/context :

$ docker save $image | gzip > cloudfuzzer/context/docker-image

Docker arguments should be defined in context/docker-options

 -d -m 3g volume_container_rsync

Upload context:

$ send-docker-data cloudfuzzer/context

Run containers

Run number of containers

$ cloudfuzzer bastion run-containers <count>

Get results

Get results from fuzzvm's. If no ip-adresses are given as argument results from all fuzzvm's are fetched.

$ cloudfuzzer bastion get-results (fuzzvm1) (fuzzvm2) ...

Get stats

Get stats

$ cloudfuzzer get-stats <destionation>
docker service list
ID            NAME                    MODE        REPLICAS  IMAGE
nsbg1dh6t2k1  fuzz-service            replicated  70/70     p7zip-fuzz
xl3l65kufl66  rsync-volume-container  global      10/10     nabeken/docker-volume-container-rsync

docker service inspect fuzz-service --pretty

ID:             nsbg1dh6t2k1biiroyf92oukf
Name:           fuzz-service
Service Mode:   Replicated
 Replicas:      70
 Parallelism:   1
 On failure:    pause
 Max failure ratio: 0
 Image:         p7zip-fuzz
  Target = /output
   Source = rsync-volume-container
   ReadOnly = false
   Type = volume
  Memory:       500 MiB
Endpoint Mode:  vip

docker service ps fuzz-service
ID            NAME             IMAGE       NODE       DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE        ERROR  PORTS
7iadtdvc3dsc  fuzz-service.1   p7zip-fuzz  fuzzvm-8   Running        Running 2 hours ago         
81qsodiixxee  fuzz-service.2   p7zip-fuzz  fuzzvm-6   Running        Running 2 hours ago



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