Backend assessment from CoffeeIT
The assessment is to make an API that is able to get the weather information for certain cities.
Make sure you have Nodejs and Nestjs/cli installed
~ node -v
~ nest --version
# Clone via SSH or any other method
$ git clone
# CD into the project
$ cd coffeeit-assessment
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
Rename the sample.env
file to .env
and put your Mongodb Atlas connection string & OpenWeatherMap api key
property is for setting how many days to get fro city weather forcast
for the getCityNextXDaysWeather
function, by default it will get the next 7 days (we cannot set more than that for the free version)
# development
$ npm start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
# unit tests (you can add the prefix --watch)
$ yarn test
# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e
# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov
in cities.service.ts
file add the bellow code
private count = 0
numberOfSeconds = undefined; // if undefined or unspecified it will default to 7 seconds
startTime = new Date().getTime();
@Cron(`0-59/1 * * * * *`, {
name: 'myJob',
handleCron() {
console.log(`${this.count + 1} - Called every second`);
closeJob() {
const job = this.schedulerRegistry.getCronJob('myJob');
const endTime = this.startTime + 1000 * (this.numberOfSeconds || 7);
if (job.lastDate().getTime() > endTime) {
in cities.controller.ts
file add the bellow code
testFunc() {
return this.citiesService.handleCron();
you should get
1 - Called every second
2 - Called every second
3 - Called every second
4 - Called every second
5 - Called every second
6 - Called every second
7 - Called every second
Make sure docker is running on your machine. And Obviously you installed it :)
# Build docker image
docker-compose build
# Show docker images
docker images
# Show docker images on running container
docker ps -a
# run the image
Docker compose up