
Restfull API ready to use made using Django for arabic historical places

Primary LanguagePython


This is the second project from Web Development with Django course, it is basically Restfull API ready to use made using Django for arabic historical places

Tools & Languages


  • Django authentication system (login, logout)
  • Throtteling requests for authenticated & non-authenticated users
  • Permissions for authenticated & non-authenticated users
  • Token Authentication
  • Non-authenticated users can't add new places but they can add new ratings



places rates
add new place add new rate


The project structure should look like this

├── .git
├── historicalplaces # main folder
│   ├── │   └── ... # This is the main project folders
│   ├── │  requirements.txt
├── historical_places_env # virtual environment
│   ├── │   └── ...
└── README.md

Admin user account

username: admin
password: admin123

// 1- Create a virtual environment
~ virtualenv historical_places_env
// 2- Activate the virtual environment
~  source historical_places_env/bin/activate
~  cd historical_places_env/Scripts
~  activate
~  cd ../..
// 3- Change directory to the project folder
~ cd historicalplaces
// 4- Install dependecies from requirements.txt file
~ pip install -r requirements.txt
// 5- Check if all dependencies were installed successfully
~ pip freeze
// 6- Open historicalplaces folder with pycharm & select virtual environment python interpreter
// 7- Run server
~ python manage.py runserver


Pull request are welcome feel free to fork this repo.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT license.