Assignment #2 & #3

Assignment: Create my Shoppingify app. Use any front-end libraries of your choice. Link it to your API that was done on assignment #1. Fulfill user stories below:

User story 1: When I select the items tab, I can see a list of items under different categories.
User story 2: I can add a new item with name, category, note, and image.
User story 3: When I add a new item, I can select one from the existing categories or add a new one if the category does not exist
User story 4: When I select an item, I can see its details and I can choose to add the current list or delete the item.
User story 5: I can add items to the current list
User story 6 (optional): I can increase the number of item in the list
User story 7: I can remove the item from the list
User story 8: I can save/update the list with a name (user can have only one active list at a time)
User story 9: I can toggle between editing state and completing state
User story 10: When I am at completing state, I can save my progress by selecting the item
User story 11: I can cancel the active list
User story 12: When I try to cancel a list, I can see a confirmation notification
User story 13: I can see my shopping history and I can see the details of it
User story 14 (optional): I can see some statistics: top items, top categories, and monthly comparison. (Tips: use libraries like recharts for the graph)
User story (optional): I can search for items

Here is the link to the Figma Design that you need to implement. Also here is the list of steps that you need to follow to achieve this assignment:

Step 1: Fork and Clone the repository on Github
Step 2: Copy resources, to your repository
Step 3: Login to Figma to checkout font, color, spacing,..
Step 4: Complete all required user stories
Step 5: Update
Step 6: Deploy your app and submit your solution