
Creation of the backend (rest API + database + search engine) of a web application: Movie app Samyaza.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Samyaza - NestJS API for Managing Movies and Series

Samyaza is a NestJS-based API project designed to manage movies and series similar to TMDB (The Movie Database). It allows users to handle favorite movies and TV series, conduct searches within movies, and access trailers.


  • Favorite Management: Users can manage their favorite movies and series.
  • Search Capability: Functionality to search within the collection of movies and series.
  • Trailer Access: Ability to access trailers for movies and series.

Installation Requirements

To run Samyaza project locally, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Node.js version 20
  • Docker

Setup Instructions

Follow these steps to set up and run Samyaza locally:

1- Clone Repository:

git clone https://github.com/oussamasf/samyaza.git
cd samyaza

2- Configure Environment Variables:

Duplicate the .env.example file twice and name them .env.development and .env.

3- Start Docker Containers:

Run Docker Compose:

docker compose -f "docker-compose.yaml" up -d --build

Then start the application using the following commands:

pnpm i
pnpm run start:dev

4- Add Super Admin to MongoDB:

Manually add a super admin to the MongoDB instance. Inject the following data under the admins collection:

  "username": "ousf",
  "password": "$2b$10$KVAMN18gLNr/4sk01LcC/O..0ycOYGaIqw.diV0kzjfRnrYA.9u9O",
  "email": "ousf@gmail.com",
  "roles": ["admin", "super"]

Now you can log in at /api/v1/backoffice/account/login using the following credentials:

  "email": "ousf@gmail.com",
  "password": "gg@&123456"

5- Seed Database and Create Index:

Using the backoffice, send a request to api/backoffice/{{movie/series/genre}}/seed.

Then map movie data if you intend to use advanced search via api/backoffice/movie/map.

Feel free to explore all endpoints, which are documented on Swagger or Postman.


The usage of the Samyaza API is thoroughly documented in Postman and Swagger.

Swagger: http://host:port/api

Postman Workspace


Refer to the provided .env.example file for configuration settings.