
Cranfield collection in TREC XML format.

📑 Cranfield collection in TREC XML format

A repository to share the Cranfield collection composed by documents, queries and relevance judgments (Qrels) in TREC format. TREC format considers documents and queries (also known as topics) in XML.

TREC format is commonly used in Information Retrieval (IR) systems and campaigns. Hence, this repository can help to get started with indexing, retrieval and evaluation tasks that are performed in TREC and CLEF conferences.

⚠️ We suggest experimenting with Cranfield for learning purpose only. Indeed, the collection (having only 1 400 documents) is not so reliable when compared with Big Data IR collections that are used nowadays.

💡 The new TREC formatted Cranfield collection available in this repository can be experimented using Terrier platform

I prepared a detailed tutorial here 💻

Information Retrieval Tutorial using Terrier

1. What is Cranfield dataset ?

A small corpus of 1 400 scientific abstracts and 225 queries. It is considered among the first Information Retrieval initiatives to perform IR tasks in the 1960s.

2. Documents

Documents are transformed in TREC XML format using common tags. Documents are delimited by <doc></doc> tags.

Filename : cran.all.1400.xml

Format : XML

Original filename : cran.all.1400

2.1. Sample of document transformed in TREC format

<title>dynamic stability of vehicles traversing ascending
or descending paths through the atmosphere .</title>
<author>tobak and allen.</author>
<bib>naca tn.4275, 1958.</bib>
<text>dynamic stability of vehicles traversing ascending or descending paths through the atmosphere . an analysis is given of the oscillatory motions of vehicles which traverse ascending and descending paths through the atmosphere at high speed .  the specific case of a skip path is examined in detail, and this leads to a form of solution for the oscillatory motion which should recur over any trajectory .  the distinguishing feature of this form is the appearance of the bessel rather than the trigonometric function as the characteristic mode of oscillation .</text>

Tags definitions :

  • docno : Document unique number (identifier)
  • title : Document title
  • author : Document author(s)
  • bib : Bibliography
  • text : Main document content (the article Abstract)

2.2. Sample of original Cranfield document

.I 67
dynamic stability of vehicles traversing ascending
or descending paths through the atmosphere .
tobak and allen.
naca tn.4275, 1958.
dynamic stability of vehicles traversing ascending
or descending paths through the atmosphere .
an analysis is given of the oscillatory motions of vehicles which
traverse ascending and descending paths through the atmosphere at high
speed .  the specific case of a skip path is examined in detail, and
this leads to a form of solution for the oscillatory motion which should
recur over any trajectory .  the distinguishing feature of this form is
the appearance of the bessel rather than the trigonometric function as
the characteristic mode of oscillation .

3. Queries (Topics)

Filename : cran.qry.xml

Format : XML

Original filename : cran.qry

Sample of a topic in TREC format :

<num> 1</num> 
what similarity laws must be obeyed when constructing aeroelastic models of heated high speed aircraft .

4. Query Relevance Judgment (Qrels)

Filename : cranqrel.trec.txt

Original filename : cranqrel

In the original Cranfield collection, relevance judgments were made in 5 levels like follows :

Relevance Definition Query/Docs
Match Count
-1 References of no interest. 225 12.2%
1 References of minimum interest,
for example, those that have been included from an historical viewpoint.
128 7.0%
2 References which were useful, either as general background to the work
or as suggesting methods of tackling certain aspects of the work.
387 21.1%
3 References of a high degree of relevance, the lack of which
either would have made the research impracticable
or would have resulted in a considerable amount of extra work.
734 40.0%
4 References which are a complete answer to the question. 363 19.8%

⚠️ This way of assessing relevance was aborted in future TREC campaings as detailed in the following reference :

Voorhees, Ellen M. "The philosophy of information retrieval evaluation." Workshop of the cross-language evaluation forum for european languages. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2001.

PDF paper

"The vast majority of test collection experiments since then have also assumed that relevance is a binary choice, though the original Cranfield experiments used a five-point relevance scale."


"TREC has almost always used binary relevance judgments either a document is relevant to the topic or it is not. To define relevance for the assessors, the assessors are told to assume that they are writing a report on the subject of the topic statement. If they would use any information contained in the document in the report, then the (entire) document should be marked relevant, otherwise it should be marked irrelevant. The assessors are instructed to judge a document as relevant regardless of the number of other documents that contain the same information."

Hence, we consider the new TREC format of a Qrels file as follows:


Where :

  • TOPIC is the topic (query) number,
  • ITERATION is the feedback iteration (almost always zero and not used). This column was added in the new file format,
  • DOCNO is the official document number that corresponds to the "docno" field in the documents, and
  • RELEVANCY is a binary code of 0 for not relevant and 1 for relevant.

📄 From Official TREC reference

✅ All initial relevancies having the scores 1, 2, 3, or 4 are considered as relevant (all replaced with 1 value) in the new formatted Cranfield collection. However, -1 non relavant initial assessments are replaced with 0.

Sample of new Qrels in TREC format

5 0 552 1
5 0 401 1
5 0 1297 1
5 0 1296 1
5 0 488 0

5. Where can I find Cranfield collection in the original (non TREC) format ?

Cranfield collection can be downloaded in the original format (non TREC format) from the University of Glasgow website here.