
🎮 Guess the word game in console mode with C#

Primary LanguageC#

Guess the word Game

Guess the word

How to modify the game

  • Open Program.cs file (or copy & paste its content) in a new project using Visual Studio IDE

Some game features to add

  • Add difficulty levels
  • Compute a score depending on the secret word length
  • Choose from many dictionary files (words in the demo are all fruits names)
  • Add timer
  • Save best records in a file (user name should be also saved)
  • Add some options like starting a new game, revealing the secret word, etc.

How can I contribute to this game repository ?

  1. Create a personal fork of the project.
  2. Apply your modifications on the forked project.
  3. From your fork, open a pull request.
  4. Once the pull request is approved and merged, you can pull the changes

How can I play the game without changing its code ? (applied for Windows users)

  1. Download all the bin folder content (you can place it under any desired folder)
  2. Launch GuessTheWord.exe
  3. That's all ! Enjoy playing the game 🎮

ℹ️ Words in the demo are all fruits names

🍇 🍈 🍉 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍍 🥭 🍎 🍐 🍏 🍑 🍒 🍓 🥝 🥥

⚠️ If you need to play the game on Linux or Mac OS, just generate a binary folder under your operating system from source code.

Game requirements

  • Microsoft .NETCore version "3.1.0"