This repository is to illustrate a bug that I am facing with the recent upgrade to 4.2.0 in the i18n_patterns() function, as described in the ticket

django.conf.urls.i18n.i18n_patterns() is not respecting prefix_default_language=False when the django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware is defined the settings.MIDDLEWARE list.

with 4.2.0: navigating to any valid path without the language prefix will result in HTTP NOT FOUND 404 statuc code Prior to 4.2.0: navigating to any valid path without the language prefix will result in HTTP SUCCESS 200 statuc code (actually depending on the path)

To reproduce the issue, clone the repository, then install tox

pip install tox

run tox:


two tests will run in two different environments. One with Django==4.1.7 and another with Django==4.2.0 the first will pass and the second will fail.

Here is the test code:

def test_navigating_to_admin_login(client):
    response = client.get('/admin/login/?next=/admin/')
    assert response.status_code == 200