
/r/unixporn color contest results

unixporn [colorcontest] results

so the month of July was color scheme month on unixporn. we got a lot of great entries, so thanx to everone who submitted. i'm happy to report the winner of the contest is tudurom! here's a little gallery of all the entries. along with post title and author are a source link which leads to the initial reddit post. most contain more details about the setup. and a colors link contains a local copy of the submitted color schemes for archival purposes.

H̆̋̏̏͒ͤͪ ͂͐͂̇̈́È ͒́͡X̢ͨ͌ by tudurom // source :: colors

Astrodusk by lovelybac0n // source :: colors

Become nOne by NerdyPepper // source :: colors

Minimalistic ZX Spectrum color theme for iTerm by superEpicRedditBoy // source :: colors

hyper light drifter by novcn // source :: colors 1 2 3

Palendrome by Nanjue // source :: colors

dusty by coleifer // source :: colors

Beta by zezic // source :: colors

Hyperbeast by NILCLMS // source :: colors

Colorspectrum by julesklord // source :: colors

nikes by mihir94 // source :: colors

vapor by __geb // source :: colors

I ❤ Googles Material Design by Ben_Kerry // source :: colors

purple haze by a-109-107 // source :: colors

Dazzle by piecesofquiet777 // source :: colors

mugatu! by coleifer // source :: colors

opencucks by coleifer // source :: colors

Bluish theme for i3 (eye friendly) by Tigrezno // source :: colors

butterfly by MrHudson2212 // source :: colors

The watchmaker by _Pilonsi // source :: colors

Am I still in time for the contest? by felixphew // source :: colors

perfect fit by Alternate_Data // source :: colors

dwm on debian by balkenbrij // source :: colors

blaque magick (posthumous entry) by x_ero // source :: colors