
A C based application to manage a repair shop . mainly developed to demonstrate the use of DataStructures

Primary LanguageC


code exp


src contains the main functions for the work
#### job_funcs
        whiche include the fucntions that will manage the jobs
    #### pc_funcs
        whiche include the fucntions that will manage the pieces
    #### tech_funcs
        whiche include the fucntions that will manage the users
    #### structure
        whiche functions that manage structures
### inc contains the headers for the src files
### fl
    contains the files to save
    #### tech_id will contain the id of the tech guy
    #### job_id will contain the last job
    #### pc_id will conatin the last id of the piece
### more
    the code will manage pieces which status will be :

//pc - id nom num tarif etat date date date

    loook dude the functions li zedthom dyal ajouter au stack o supprimer mn stack rah derthomm 3la 7saab l other functions li mktobin f job_functions mliii nsaliw all the changes raddi hir nbedel les fprintf o fscanf o rady ykhedmooo

    oraaah fkolla change ollaa mlli katsift job l stack olla katkherjo menno rah l file dyal jobs kaytkeb again o kaytraw fih all the neccessary changes