
State-Based Routing/Control Manager for Backbone

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Backbone.Manager is a state-based routing/control manager for Backbone. It removes direct dependency on the router, and instead provides a standard control mechanism for url updates and state-change handling. It can be used for large state changes that involve url updates and moving between major view controllers, or for small state changes to do things like flash div content.


  • Intuitive state change
  • Differentiate between pageload and triggered changes
  • Remove temptation of view<->router relationships
  • Conventional state change from anchor href's
  • Programmatic state change ability


UsersRouter = Backbone.Router.extend
    'users/:id': 'showUser'

  initialize: (options) ->
    _.bindAll @, 'switchToUser'

    @listenTo Backbone, 'showUser', @switchToUser

is now organized into this:

UsersManager = Backbone.Manager.extend
      url: 'users/:id'
      loadMethod: 'showUser'
      transitionMethod: 'switchToUser'


A Backbone.Manager instance is created by providing a router (required) to the constructor: new Backbone.Manager(router). If you're creating multiple Manager instances, it's recommended to just share a single instance of a router between them.


UsersManager = Backbone.Manager.extend
      url: 'users'
      loadMethod: 'showUsers'
      transitionMethod: 'switchToUsers'
      url: 'users/:id'
      loadMethod: 'showUser'
      transitionMethod: 'switchToUser'

    'load:users.detail': 'prepareUser'
    'transition': 'logToAnalytics'
  initialize: ->
    # ...
  showUsers: ->
    # ...
  switchToUsers: (searchString, options) ->
    # ...
  showUser: (id) ->
    # ...
  switchToUser: (id, searchString, options) ->
    # ...
  prepareUser: (id) ->
    # ...
  logToAnalytics: ->
    # ...


The states definition is the foundation of the Manager. It consists of state names paired with definitions for that state. States basically fall into one of two categories:

Which category a state falls under is controlled by the state being provided with an url definition:

    url: '/states/:id'
    # etc
    # etc

States with url definitions

These are able to be triggered via:

  • Initial Pageload
  • Window.popstate of '/users/1'
  • Backbone.Manager.go('users.detail',[1])
  • data-bb-state definition: <a data-bb-state="users.detail([1])">
  • Conventional data-bb-state trigger: <a data-bb-state href="/users/1">
Url Convention

For url-related states, there is a convention for state name that is helpful to follow, based on the url itself. The convention is not required, but without it you will not inherit the automatic conventional data-bb-state trigger. Here is how urls are conventionally translated to a state name:

Url State Name
/users users
/users/1 users.detail
/users/1/books users.detail.books
/sections/1/2 sections.detail.2 (not good*)

* Never rely on convention for states associated with this type of url.

The url definition is essentially the same url you would define in a Router's routes definition. In fact, this url is passed through to the router. Param values that match through this url are passed into the necessary functions as a normal route's callback would be. NOTE: Currently RegExp values are not supported

States without url definitions

These are able to be triggered via:

  • Programmatic: Backbone.Manager.go('users.detail',[1])
  • data-bb-state definition: <a data-bb-state="users.detail([1])">
  • Conventional data-bb-state trigger: <a data-bb-state href="/users/1">

loadMethod optional

    url: 'users/:id'
    loadMethod: 'callback' # String representing method name for callback

Callback used immediately upon load of the page, when the page url matches defined url (User navigates directly). Url must be defined to activate.

# Arguments are built from url params, passed straight from the Router
callback: (id, searchString) ->


Callback used when any non-loadMethod related state change occurs.

When url Is Defined

    url: 'users/:a/books/:b'
    transitionMethod: 'callback' # String representing method name for callback

Before the transitionMethod is triggered, A router.navigate will occur with the state's url. Note: currently anything inside of and including the optional matcher (()'s) in the state url are removed first.

Callback method takes the params in order from the url, then provides the searchString (provided because of the router, usually null), and finally an options object containing the populated url. So:

trigger callback method
Backbone.Manager.go('users.detail.books.detail',[1,2]) callback(1,2,null,{url: 'users/1/books/2'})
(args order not important)
callback(1,2,null,{url: 'users/1/books/2'})
<a data-bb-state="users.detail.books.detail([1,2])"> callback(1,2,null,{url: 'users/1/books/2'})
<a data-bb-state="users.detail.books.detail({b:2,a:1})">
(args order not important)
callback(1,2,null,{url: 'users/1/books/2'})
<a data-bb-state href="/users/1/books/2"> callback(1,2,null,{url: 'users/1/books/2'})

When url Is NOT Defined

    transitionMethod: 'callback' # String representing method name for callback

Callback method takes the params in order as passed. Order is important, even when an object is used for the args. So:

trigger callback method
Backbone.Manager.go('users.detail.books.detail',[1,2]) callback(1,2)
(args order important)
values taken in order
<a data-bb-state="users.detail.books.detail([1,2])"> callback(1,2)
<a data-bb-state="users.detail.books.detail({b:2,a:1})">
(args order important)
values taken in order
<a data-bb-state href="/users/1/books/2"> callback(1,2)

The '*' State

The '*' is reserved as a final matcher for states. When the data-bb-state watcher attempts to perform a state transition for a state that hasn't been defined, it will fallback to a '*' state definition. Here is an example of how to use it:

      url: '*url'
      transitionMethod: 'defaultTransition'
  defaultTransition: (url) ->
    # ...

Important: If this is declared, it should be done within the very first manager created, and as the very first state definition. This is so that it ends up being placed in the bottom of the handlers stack within Backbone.History. When a Manager is created, Backbone.Manager inserts each url handler into the shared router as it progresses through the States definition... from the top down. The Router then works from the top down in its handlers when it's searching for a match. This is a Backbone.Router limitation.


Backbone.Manager will trigger state specific and general events as the transition and load methods are being processed. These are async calls, so the callbacks aren't guaranteed to have completed before the post events are triggered. Here are the following events that are triggered:

event description
load incoming page load call for any state
load:[state] (args) incoming page load call for the [state]
(args) are the url params provided by the router
transition incoming transition call for any state
transition:[state] incoming transition call for the [state]
exit state is transitioning out of the current Manager, into a different one

Triggering State Change

There are four different ways to trigger a state change within Backbone.Manager:

Initial Pageload

Triggered immediately upon load of the page, when the page url matches defined url (User navigates directly). Url must be defined to activate. This will trigger the loadMethod associated with the url.


Typically occurs when the user uses the back button. This will trigger the transitionMethod associated with the url.

Backbone.Manager.go(stateName, args)

The programmatic way of triggering state changes. Example Usage:

  'click dd': 'showUser'
showUser: ->
  Backbone.Manager.go('users.detail', {id:1})


  • stateName
  • args: [] or {}

Click on <a data-bb-state>

The data-bb-state attribute is watched for by Backbone.Manager on all anchor tag clicks that bubble up to document. If event propagation is disabled or preventDefault gets set on that event, then Backbone.Manager will not trigger.

Example Usages:

<a data-bb-state='users.detail([1])'/>
<a data-bb-state='users.detail({id:1})'/>
<a data-bb-state href='/users/1'/>

The format for the data-bb-state value is 'statename([args]or{args})', where the args are passed to the callback as described in transitionMethod.

All of the examples above will match to the users.detail state name and all will trigger the users.detail.transitionMethod callback.

The first two examples are explicit state calls, but the third uses the url convention to determine the state name and the args. To use the conventional trigger, data-bb-state must be defined on the anchor and it must have an href url defined.

Additional Resources

##For Contributors

  • PR's should only contain changes to .coffee files, the release js will be built later
  • Run gulp to autocompile coffeescript (both src and test/src) into /out for testing
  • Open test/test-runner.html to run the in-browser test suite, or run npm test for headless.