
God Tier

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

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Intall build-essential (Mandatory. Do this once in the Linux Terminal) !!!

sudo apt-get install build-essential

Intall libx11-dev (Mandatory. Do this once in the Linux Terminal) !!!

sudo apt-get install libx11-dev

Intall libxtst-dev (Mandatory. Do this once in the Linux Terminal)!!!

sudo apt-get install libxtst-dev

Intall libxtst-dev For Arch-Linux (Mandatory. Do this once in the Linux Terminal)!!!

sudo pacman -Sy libudev0 cmake xorg-server git base-devel libx11 libxtst

1. Download Repo:

Open Linux terminal then type:
git clone https://github.com/Pesci-Apu/Nika

2. Get inside the folder

cd Nika

3. Compile the program:


4. Open Apex

Open steam and start apex and wait for it to fully start

5. Run the program and enjoy

sudo ./a.out


[arturzxc UC - Grinder]
[Azreol UC - Xap-client]
[duckman6969 UC - FixSkillIssue]
[Acknowledge UC - Nika]