The open source React and Prosemirror based markdown editor that powers Outline. Want to try it out? Create an account:
- 3
whole project crashing and getting `duplicate use of selection JSON ID cell` error
#625 opened by romaad - 0
First table row gets converted into table header
#627 opened by cdauth - 10
Impossible to install via `npm` due to conflicting and duplicating dependencies.
#512 opened by arslancharyev31 - 0
- 0
- 0
onBlur is called on first mount
#616 opened by loun4 - 1
onChange called on init when view == null
#611 opened by fedotxxl - 3
Hyperlinks are posted between < >'s
#608 opened by icellan - 1
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- 5
- 2
Editor crashes when feeding custom searchLinks
#597 opened by SDAChess - 2
- 1
Content of an info notice spills outside container when content includes a code snippet
#584 opened by raldred - 0
Disabling code_block may cause crash
#528 opened by Benjamsk - 0
composing lost when select multi lines
#583 opened by 4-1-1 - 1
Toggle todolist in new line with text after
#581 opened by piranhoid - 1
- 0
- 0
Shift+Enter in code fence could preserve indentation
#571 opened by tommoor - 4
Create link with '/' command will cause Uncaught TypeError: assert_1.default is not a function
#572 opened by Aaron-Hu - 3
Blinking cursor should always be on after cursor movement
#570 opened by bjj - 0
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Allow dragging for TODO checkbox items
#566 opened by bjj - 5
Adding a blank line to create a list after Heading
#565 opened by aquibbaig - 0
table row select toolbar options miss format
#490 opened by JiangWeixian - 1
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Folded headers prevent newline creation
#538 opened by haveanicedavid - 4
[ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module:
#554 opened by HT-Moh - 1
- 0
- 0
Add list options to formatting toolbar
#545 opened by tommoor - 0
Can't exit heading on Android Chrome
#546 opened by tommoor - 1
Extra line beneath the image after uploading
#537 opened by wcjx - 6
Using as a Controlled Component
#517 opened by ecumene - 0
Table with only one row does not persist correctly
#531 opened by tommoor - 1
Not possible to add link in code mark
#511 opened by tommoor - 0
The editor interprets links without any marks
#513 opened by arslancharyev31 - 1
Allow # in markdown links
#515 opened by asiyani - 0
- 0
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Pressing enter in an empty nested list item creates several more empty list items
#497 opened by seeruk - 0
unnecessary override to use tailwindcss-typography
#504 opened by HT-Moh - 6
Integrate prosemirror-math plugin.
#499 opened by HT-Moh - 0
props value not working on mount
#495 opened by JiangWeixian - 1
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Allow paste from Google Docs
#483 opened by olehmell - 1
Getting exception on android webview
#485 opened by nikita2423 - 0
RequestError: Internal Server Error
#487 opened by sentry-io