
iPhone app for interfacing with ofxWebSimpleGuiToo

Primary LanguageC

Interface in Simulator

Tuio Implementation (thanks to TuioPad) http://code.google.com/p/tuiopad/

A native iPhone application based of off Marek Bereza's (http://www.mrkbrz.com/) browser based interface to ofxSimpleGuiToo (http://memo.tv/node/875). 

Using the version of ofxWebSimpleGuiToo included you can control parameters via the iPhone. The app current supports ofxSimpleGuiSliderInt, ofxSimpleGuiSliderFloat and ofxSimpleGuiToggle and ofxSimpleGuiComboBox

To test:
1. Run the ofxWebSimpleGuiTooExample.xcodeproj from the OF examples folder
2. Open ofxWebSimpleGuiToo-for-iPhone/IOS_APPS/SimpleGuiRemote/SimpleGuiRemote.xcodeproj and Build and Run 
3. Add a Server via the + button (default port for the app is 8910) and connect

Built using the pre-007 openframeworks from github

Will likely work with openFrameworks 0062 but you will have to find replace ofSetHexColor with ofSetColor. Untested with 007


iPhone native app that connects to ofxWebSimpleGuiToo and generates controls using UIKit's UISlider, UISwitch and UiPicker

Openframeworks test project - based off Marek's original ofxWebSimpleGuiToo example (http://code.google.com/p/ofxmarek/downloads/list)

slightly modified version of Memo's ofxSimpleGuiToo (https://github.com/memo/msalibs) to allow grabbing of controls from ComboBox

requires PhoneGap (http://www.phonegap.com/)

Good for testing the browser version of ofxWebSimpleGuiToo in the iPhone simulator. Also allows some special functionality that web apps only get when added to Home Screen via bookmarking


- Fix Auto-Save Toggle
- clean up code (it doesn't leak according to my testing but data could be handled more elegantly)
- QR code generation by OF app of IP:PORT info
- Better layout support for iPad