
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This script provides an advanced mathematics calculator with a command-line interface. It includes basic arithmetic operations, a feature to draw triangles based on angles, and comprehensive logging of operations and calculations.

The script utilises the io module for file handling, math for mathematical operations, fractions.Fraction for handling fractions, and os for checking file existence. External modules utility and triangle are imported for additional functionality.

The main components of the script are as follows:

  • MENU_ITEMS: A dictionary that maps menu item numbers to their descriptions.
  • initialisation(log, is_new_file): Initializes the calculator by reading from the log file and resetting it.
  • show_menu(): Displays the main menu options to the user.
  • menu(): Provides the main interactive interface for the calculator, allowing users to select operations and manage logs.
  • valid_float_input(prompt): Validates user input as a float, with an option to exit input by typing 'x'.
  • arithmetic functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division): Perform the corresponding arithmetic operations with overflow handling.
  • show_formatting_submenu(is_fraction): Displays formatting options for the operation submenu.
  • formatting_submenu(result, is_fraction): Handles formatting requests to the result according to the user's choice.
  • running_confirmation(): Prompts the user for confirmation before exiting the program.
  • upload_log(log, new_log, old_log, new_calc_count, old_calc_count): Saves all log entries and updates the total calculation count in the log file.

The script is designed to be interactive and user-friendly, with error handling and input validation to ensure a smooth user experience.