Simple Bootstrap is a basic Wordpress theme using Boostrap 3, mostly aimed as a starting point for developers to build their own themes using Bootstrap. It is build to very clean, responsive and easy to modify. It supports customizable background, image header and both left and right sidebars (the sidebars only appear if you put widgets in them). Although it's not absolutely necessary it's recommended to edit the LESS files instead of directly editing the style.css . It will then be necessary to re-compile these files with the Gruntfile.js. Here are the lines you will have to type to do so (assuming you already have installed nodejs, bower and grunt-cli): npm install bower install grunt Copyright 2015 Nicolas Vanhoren Released under the terms of the MIT license. Supported browsers: - IE up to IE8 - Latest version of all other major browsers Simple Boostrap is bundled with: - Bootstrap (Copyright 2015 Twitter, released under the terms of the MIT license) - jQuery (Copyright 2014 jQuery Foundation, released under terms of the MIT license) - Respond.js (Copyright 2011: Scott Jehl, released under terms of the MIT license) - Html5shiv (Copyright Alexander Farkas, Jonathan Neal, Paul Irish and John-David Dalton, released under terms of the MIT license) Images displayed in the screenshot: - Unnamed image by Treza Trisnandhy ( CC0 - ) - After the Rain by Jarosław Puszczyński ( CC0 - )