
The smart contracts behing outwave.io

Primary LanguageSolidity

Getting started

How to start with this project

  • after clone run yarn install & yarn build
  • to run all test yarn test

How to run it

  • startup the local hardhat node run: npx hardhat node
  • compile to generate artifacts: npx hardhat compile
  • deploy outwave contracts and setup, in a separate terminal: npx hardhat outwave:deploy --network localhost

How to deploy it on mumbai

  • deploy outwave contracts and setup, in a separate terminal: npx hardhat outwave:deploy --basetokenuri https://outwave-jobs-test.azurewebsites.net/mumbai/event721/ --network mumbai

What else can be done?

This project uses Hardhat. Try running some of the following tasks and always refer to official documentation for:

npx hardhat accounts
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat clean
npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node

Outwave have developed several tasks that helps to start transactions on localhost or remote nertworks. networks are selected with --network localhost/mumbai. See /tasks.js or run npx hardhat --help for more info.

Below you can see an example on how this tasks allow a full deployment on network mumbai

# deploy everything
$ npx hardhat outwave:deploy --network mumbai
- unlock deployed: 0xb868eF5D3183348B7F001d8f3d8A37CC14d2531e
- publiclock template deployed: 0x634bc360D6988396D14E6b1b0369A44f6Bb6C7B2
- outwave org deployed: 0x6C4c1421036aa77245A365fDcD464a271f5D24BC
- event keyburner published at: 0x11e48668d6db234F4EAE814360916E4f0Be61ff3

# upgrade outwave (note: keyburner must be upgraded individually)
$ npx hardhat outwave:upgrade --unlock-address 0xb868eF5D3183348B7F001d8f3d8A37CC14d2531e --outwave-address 0x6C4c1421036aa77245A365fDcD464a271f5D24BC --network mumbai
- outwave org upgraded at: 0x6C4c1421036aa77245A365fDcD464a271f5D24BC

# deploy keyburner
$ npx hardhat outwave:deploy:keyburner --network mumbai --outwaveaddr 0x6C4c1421036aa77245A365fDcD464a271f5D24BC --unlockaddr 0xb868eF5D3183348B7F001d8f3d8A37CC14d2531e --keyburnerAddr 0x389A229aCe1016FAdAcfb07b5CB96277366eC3b8
- event keyburner published at: 0x11e48668d6db234F4EAE814360916E4f0Be61ff3

# upgrade keyburnder
$ npx hardhat outwave:deploy:keyburner --network mumbai --keyburnerAddr 0x11e48668d6db234F4EAE814360916E4f0Be61ff3 --outwaveaddr 0x6C4c1421036aa77245A365fDcD464a271f5D24BC --unlockaddr 0xb868eF5D3183348B7F001d8f3d8A37CC14d2531e
- event keyburner upgraded at: 0x11e48668d6db234F4EAE814360916E4f0Be61ff3

# allow outwave to create events using erc20 (usdc on mubai)
$ npx hardhat tool:event:addErc20 --outwaveaddr 0x6C4c1421036aa77245A365fDcD464a271f5D24BC --network mumbai
- erc20 address can be used in creating lock: 0x2b8920cBdDCc3e85753423eEceCd179cb9232554

# lets create out first event named technoEvent1
$ npx hardhat tool:event:createEvent --outwaveaddr 0x6C4c1421036aa77245A365fDcD464a271f5D24BC --eventid technoEvent1  --keytokenaddr 0x2b8920cBdDCc3e85753423eEceCd179cb9232554 --keyprice 100  --network mumbai
- event created. lock address is: 0x449dF2567E1E07F0790980D8E8Dd49a2e0Ca584D

# approve erc20 spending on lock
$ npx hardhat tool:erc20:approve --lockaddr 0x449dF2567E1E07F0790980D8E8Dd49a2e0Ca584D  --network mumbai
- user balance is 7999999902
- approved max 9000000000000000 for 0x449dF2567E1E07F0790980D8E8Dd49a2e0Ca584D

# purchase an NFT directly from lock
$ npx hardhat tool:lock:purchase --lockaddr 0x449dF2567E1E07F0790980D8E8Dd49a2e0Ca584D  --network mumbai --erc20 true
- Key balance of 0xB2B2be136eB0b137Fa58F70E24E1A0AC90bAD877 is 1

# verify lock contracts
$ npx verify <lockcontractaddress> --network mumbai  


This project uses husky to lint on pre-commit. You can always skip it with git commit --no-verify.


Tenderly allows debugging and profiling of smart contracts. To configure the hardhat plugin add a config.yaml file as specified in the docs:


access_key: qlnAUn61wMFTWVXrisR00ZVTu8uKQaV5

Then ask to the fellow devs to be added to the project on tenderly.co

Example commands

  • yarn hardhat tenderly:push EventKeyBurner=0x1085ef079C6CE62E5d3F4a625e79f7FF527DD29A --network mumbai
  • yarn hardhat tenderly:verify EventKeyBurner=0x1085ef079C6CE62E5d3F4a625e79f7FF527DD29A --network mumbai


Slither is a Solidity source code analyzier and requires Python 3.x and solc-select (to properly work).

# install choco if not present on your system (admin console)
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))

# install solc-select deps (admin console)
choco install visualstudio2017buildtools

# install solc-select and set correct Solidity verison
pip install solc-select
solc-select install 0.8.7
solc-select use 0.8.7

# install slither
pip install slither-analyzer

# run it (from repo root)
yarn slither

Be aware that the command yarn slither may fail from VS Code integrated terminal, please run it eg in a regular Windows Terminal.


Solhint is a Solidity linter and can be installed with npm and runned with yarn:

# install solhint
npm install -g solhint

#  run it (from repo root)
yarn solhint

Binaries analysis

It could be useful to genrate contracts binaries for static analysis tools like Rattle.

You need soljs command and invoke it as follow:

# instal soljs command
npm install -g solc

# generate binary artifacts
solcjs --bin --include-path ./node_modules --base-path . ./contracts/OutwaveEvent.sol -o ./binaries/OutwaveEvent

solcjs --bin --include-path ./node_modules --base-path . ./contracts/EventKeyBurner.sol -o ./binaries/EventKeyBurner


In first instance Rattle requires Python 3. Clone rattle repo and install its dependencies:

# choose a location outside the repo
cd ~/src

# clone the rattle repo
git clone https://github.com/crytic/rattle

# install dependencies
cd rattle
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
sudo apt install graphviz # pip install graphviz (on Windows won't achieve the same effect)

Analyze Outwave contracts binaries:

# analyze OutwaveEvent contract
python ~/src/rattle/rattle-cli.py --input ./binaries/OutwaveEvent/contracts_OutwaveEvent_sol_OutwaveEvent.bin -O

# analyze EventKeyBurner contract
python ~/src/rattle/rattle-cli.py --input ./binaries/EventKeyBurner/contracts_EventKeyBurner_sol_EventKeyBurner.bin -O

On Windows machines rattle will fail in the end cause dot command of graphviz package is not available, so it's recommended to use Ubuntu Terminal. Otherwise an Ubuntu VM or Docker image will be fine.

ASM JSON files

Some tools like GASOL could need a ASM JSON file as input. You can use the following commands to produce them (from an Ubuntu machine):

# use a version of solc that supports --include-path parameter
solc-select install 0.8.17
solc-select use 0.8.17

# invoke solc to output the asm json files
solc --combined-json asm ./contracts/OutwaveEvent.sol --base-path . --include-path ./node_modules 1> ./asmjsonfiles/OutwaveEvent.asmjson

solc --combined-json asm ./contracts/EventKeyBurner.sol --base-path . --include-path ./node_modules 1> ./asmjsonfiles/EventKeyBurner.asmjson