
User interface engine for native apps & WebAssembly sites

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Pax is a user interface engine for native apps and websites.

This repository includes:

  • The Pax compiler and language implementation
  • Native runtimes
  • Language bindings for supported programming languages, currently only Rust
  • Pax's CLI for compiling and managing projects
  • Example projects


Writing Pax is intended to feel familiar and the language borrows many ideas from prior art.

Following is a simple Pax component called IncrementMe:

//File: lib.rs
use pax_lang::*;
use pax_lang::api::*;
use pax_std::primitives::*;
use pax_std::types::*;
use pax_std::types::text::*;
use pax_std::components::Stacker;

/// Defines the Pax component `IncrementMe`, with template & settings specified in `increment-me.pax`.
pub struct IncrementMe {
    pub num_clicks: Property<u32>,
    pub message: Property<String>,

impl IncrementMe {
    pub fn handle_did_mount(&mut self, ctx: RuntimeContext) {
        self.message.set("0 clicks".to_string());
    pub fn increment(&mut self, ctx: RuntimeContext, args: ArgsClick){
        let old_num_clicks = self.num_clicks.get();
        self.num_clicks.set(old_num_clicks + 1);
        self.message.set(format!("{} clicks", self.num_clicks.get()));

<Text text={self.message} class=centered class=small id=text />
<Rectangle class=centered class=small @click=self.increment


@settings {
     .centered {
        x: 50%
        y: 50%
        anchor_x: 50%
        anchor_y: 50%
    .small {
        width: 120px
        height: 120px
    #text {
        style: {
                font: {Font::system("Times New Roman", FontStyle::Normal, FontWeight::Bold)},
                font_size: 32px,
                fill: {Color::rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)},
                align_vertical: TextAlignVertical::Center,
                align_horizontal: TextAlignHorizontal::Center,
                align_multiline: TextAlignHorizontal::Center

Any Pax component like the example above may be included inside other Pax components, or may be mounted as the root of a stand-alone app.

See a more thorough, running example.


  • Fast — 240fps animations, compiles to machine code
  • Native — Platform-native text, UI controls, and drawing APIs.
  • Accessible — Supports screen readers for native text & GUI elements, as well as SEO on the Web
  • Lightweight — <100kB footprint baseline for WebAssembly binary. No web tech in desktop & mobile builds.
  • Declarative UI language makes it easy to reason about complex scenes and GUIs, as well as build tooling that reads & writes Pax
  • Expressive — Free-form drawing and animation toolkit, plus GUI form elements and responsive layouts. Blur the lines between work & play, function & art.
  • Extensible — UI component system built around Rust structs enables modular application building and publication of reusable components through cargo and crates.io. Pax's standard library (pax-std) is a canonical example, publishing modular primitives like <Group />, drawing elements like <Rectangle />, form elements like <Text />, and layout elements like <Stacker />.


Read more in The Pax Docs

Getting Started

Setup, macOS workstation

  • Install rustc 1.70.0 via rustup
  • Install the Pax CLI: cargo install pax-cli
  • Follow instructions to build for WebAssembly or macOS below
  • Create a new project pax-cli new my-first-project

Setup, Linux (Debian / Ubuntu) workstation

  • Install rustc 1.70.0 via rustup
  • Install development dependencies: apt install pkg-config libssl-dev
  • Install the Pax CLI: cargo install pax-cli
  • Follow instructions to build for WebAssembly below
  • Create a new project pax-cli new my-first-project

Setup, Windows workstation

  • Install rustc via installer
  • Install the Pax CLI: cargo install pax-cli
  • Follow instructions to build for WebAssembly below
  • Create a new project pax-cli new my-first-project

To build Pax projects for WebAssembly

  • Install 'wasm-pack' via:

     curl https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-pack/installer/init.sh -sSf | sh 

    For Windows, follow instructions to use installer here.

  • Install node v20 LTS, recommended via nvm

    # For macOS / Linux:  first install nvm
    curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash
    # After restarting terminal:
    nvm install 20
    nvm use 20 --default

    For Windows, install nvm-windows and install Node v20 LTS.

To build Pax projects as native macOS apps

  • Building macOS apps requires running a Mac with macOS. This is a constraint enforced technically and legally by Apple.
  • Install xcode >=15.0 and Xcode command line utils: xcode-select --install
  • Make sure to accept Xcode's license agreement (prompted during Xcode startup for the first time)
  • SDK Version macosx13.3, Xcode version >=15.0
  • Current Minimum Deployment 13.0
  • Install all necessary build architectures for Rust, so that binaries can be built for both Intel and Apple Silicon macs
    rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin x86_64-apple-darwin

To build Pax projects as native iOS apps

  • Follow instructions for building native macOS apps, above
  • Install all necessary build architectures for Rust, so that binaries can be built for iOS and simulator targets:
    rustup target add aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios aarch64-apple-ios-sim
  • Install ios simulator through Xcode

Support matrix:

Web browsers Native iOS Native Android Native macOS Native Windows Native Linux
Development harness & chassis
2D rendering and UIs





3D rendering and UIs
Vector graphics APIs
2D layouts
Animation APIs
Native text rendering





Native form elements





Native event handling (e.g. Click, Tap)
Rust host language





JS/TypeScript host language
✅ Supported
⏲ Not yet supported


© 2023 PaxCorp Inc. [contact@pax.dev].

This project is licensed under either of:

at your option.

Running Monorepo Development Environment

First, refer to the latest project status

Run pax-example:

# after cloning pax, from `pax/`
cd pax-example
# the `./pax` shell script emulates the `pax` CLI for Pax monorepo development
./pax run --target=macos # or --target=web 

To initialize the submodules, for super-grep powers:

git submodule update --init --recursive

As needed, review the git submodule docs.