- 13
pip install PyICU fails since today
#141 opened by datasharkNL - 3
PyICU build fails since commit 7f6462
#144 opened by Belval - 0
Where is this fukn docks?
#137 opened by BukinPK - 2
Fails to build with icu68
#143 opened by rmcgibbo - 3
- 12
Building PyICU 2.5 for ICU 67 fails on Windows
#135 opened by cgohlke - 13
Unable to install pyicu with pip in python3
#99 opened by elcolie - 1
How install pyicu to ubuntu 20.04?
#139 opened by MironenkoSergey - 10
[Feature Request] Add bidi algorithm
#134 opened by SafaAlfulaij - 2
`'icu.BreakIterator' object has no attribute 'getRuleStatus'` when using locale like `en@ss=standard`
#133 opened by qtdaniel - 3
Suggestion: Release wheels of PyICU
#119 opened by SethMMorton - 6
- 2
- 6
- 1
Can I Build on MacOS Using the Included ICU Library?
#125 opened by ermader - 1
Error when installing on windows 10x64
#126 opened by satishkrr - 2
- 2
Use of deprecated APIs.
#131 opened by methane - 2
Sharing your SWIG interface
#129 opened by tylerpayne - 4
- 2
Import error with ICU 67
#127 opened by blackblitz - 18
- 10
Compilation failure for 2.4 on multiple platforms
#114 opened by zunger-humu - 2
PyICU 2.4.1 compilation failure on macOS 10.14.6
#115 opened by manselmi - 2
Compilation error in TravisCI with gcc
#116 opened by SethMMorton - 8
Issue installing on Mac Os Mojave 10.14.2
#110 opened by jerryatt - 10
- 3
Compilation failure on Windows
#111 opened by tavianator - 5
datetime conversion is very strict
#96 opened by nattofriends - 5
- 2
Getting ICU_VERSION in doesn't work on Ubuntu 19.04 with installed libicu-dev and pkg-config
#108 opened by MrYoda - 2
On build fail due to `pkg-config` not being installed, error message is unhelpful
#105 opened by iwsfutcmd - 3
RuntimeError: Please set the ICU_VERSION environment variable to the version of ICU you have installed.
#94 opened by achillesrasquinha - 13
ImportError: dlopen(/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/, 2): Symbol not found: __ZN6icu_638ByteSink15GetAppendBufferEiiPciPi
#101 opened by loretoparisi - 4
cannot build icu
#100 opened by koztay - 11
Build error for PyICU 2.2 with ICU 64.1 in Windows
#98 opened by ertas - 5
Emoji Character Category Crashes
#97 opened by mattzque - 19
Please use pkg-config to detect icu
#92 opened by hughmcmaster - 2
how do I pass locale to the normalizer?
#95 opened by BrannonKing - 3
collator.cpp:312:7: error: expected nested-name-specifier before ‘ImmutableInde ’
#93 opened by ZmeiGorynych - 6
Can't use AlphabeticIndex
#89 opened by Hultner - 13
Feature request: Edits
#90 opened by tavianator - 2
compiling fails on pypy3
#80 opened by jinty - 1
Build error for pyicu 2.0.5 and ICU 60.2
#88 opened by sunu - 4
PyICU 2.0.4 fails to build with icu-62.1
#87 opened by gcsideal - 4
PyICU 2.0.4 fails to build with icu-58.2
#86 opened by cgohlke - 8
OSX C++ 11 Build Error
#84 opened by hexxonxonx - 1
cs_CZ collator: incomplete rules
#83 opened by miroslavrehor - 2
Failed building wheel for PyICU
#81 opened by yonilevine - 2
Running on Mac OS X fails with Symbol not found: __ZNK6icu_6114Transliterator12getTargetSetERNS_10UnicodeSetE
#82 opened by jakubkulhan