
Boundary-fitting curvilinear grid instead of cartesian

Primary LanguageMATLAB


seis_cpml_iso_2o_mtb_disp_curvil.m - disp formulation + curvilinear grid + fe_boundary - without multiple ifs ksi - curvil coord x eta - curvil coord y

curveintersect.m - func to find x0,y0 intersection of curves func_find_closest_grid_nodes.m - finds nearest gridpoints, normals and so on seis_cpml_iso_2o__curvil_matlab.m - main file

func_curv_jacob_pml - creates curvilinear grid. to test use the following expression %[ksi,eta, gr_x,gr_y,J, Ji] = func_curv_jacob_pml(20,30,5,0,100, 0, 100,sphi,10,10,true) %Constructs curvilinear mesh with regular regions for pmls and its Cartesian analogus. Calculates %Jacobian % J=[dksi_dx dksi_dy; % deta_dx deta_dy]; % Ji=[dx_dksi dx_deta; % dy_dksi dy_deta];

% Input arguments: % nx - number of nx grid points % ny - number of ny grid points % xmin, xmax - min and max values over OX % ymin, ymax - min and max values over OY % argument - string, for sin(argument), as function of x, that depend on xmin and xmax % dxx - x spacing for Cartesian grid % dyy - y spacing for Cartesian grid