
Scrape Facebook marketplace with puppeteer.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Marketplace Magpie

Setup email alerts for new items on Facebook Marketplace. Expensive due to level of proxies required to scrape.


You will need to setup the following accounts.

ScrapingBee - Proxy API

Start with free trial credits to test. For production upgrade to 'Startup' Plan at $100/month for ~35 search terms scraped every 15 minutes.

SendGrid - Email API

Free account supports 100 emails / day which is plenty.


In SendGrid under Email API, create a Dynamic Template with an arbitrary name. Add a new version and paste in code from config/template.html.

Create .env file with the following format.

scrapingbee_api_key = 
sendgrid_api_key = 
sendgrid_template_id = 
sender = 
recipient = 

Configure searches in default.json. Location must be copied from Marketplace URL (facebook.com/marketplace/COPY_LOCATION/search?query=bicycle).

    "term": "bicycle",
    "location": "nyc"