Provides an ideal way to use PoseNet for installations; it works offline and broadcasts poses over websocket.
- MarShinHong Kong
- dandindan
- jaouahbiMadrid (Spain)
- tamberg
- zhoukiller
- machenmusik
- orgicusLondon
- AdamRayBraun
- EricTheAIMelbourne
- chengchaozzNew York
- chasejhBrooklyn, NY
- eccoscreensan francisco, ca
- davekellyGalway, Ireland
- vteodorescuLondon, UK
- oleksandr-shvetsUkraine
- RobertShayne
- tapionxItaly
- shoppedCalifornia, USA
- msbrownNot Mars
- satyaborgPale Blue Dot
- karlosgliberalpamplona/iruña
- waqasulhaqislamabad
- andypotatoTaipei
- gcoralloBuenos Aires, Argentina
- jwmanningsAustralia
- bohnackerStuttgart, Germany
- pawo161Poland
- Leo-Nicolle
- pampanelsonChina Shanghai
- zackpi
- yczengSan Francisco, CA
- imgntnSan Francisco, CA
- maddyonlineSan Francisco, CA
- murtaza98Mumbai
- ellywebdevFort Lauderdale, FL
- HayashidaRyunosukeJapan,Fukuoka