Provides an ideal way to use PoseNet for installations; it works offline and broadcasts poses over websocket.
- 10wei1000
- adidahiya@replit
- adrianbautistaNew York, NY
- augustluhrsBrooklyn, NY
- brvoigtDerivative
- C-FuMalaysian Coal & Minerals Corporation
- CCYChongyanChenscut; ut-austin
- DenpaBorisu
- ElementMoChina
- ellennicklesNYU ITP / IMA / Low Res
- ericpollen
- GiangblackkSingapore
- iakashpaul
- iamjesse98Hyderabad
- IndianTinkerMadrid, Spain
- karunakaruna
- kevinmahaffeyLookout
- liquidzymShangHai
- ManjitBedibusy
- maweibezahnme, myself & I
- mithruNew York City
- mklasincStockholm, Sweden
- mmazHarvard University
- nialltl
- OliverDolanStockholm Sweden
- ooookaiTaipei, Taiwan
- ovace
- oznekenzoBrooklyn
- poisonknife
- RushaliAmsterdam
- sambit2KIIT
- samhains
- sofialuisa
- thetokeBerlin
- Tiriree
- tothepoweroftomWild Surmise