NOTE: Use the Wallet Adapter v2.0.0 and up with the new Aptos TypeScript SDK @aptos-labs/ts-sdk

Aptos Wallet Adapter

A monorepo modular wallet adapter developed and maintained by Aptos for wallet and dapp builders that includes:

Getting Started

Supported wallet packages

Note: These are in alphabetical order, any new wallets must be in alphabetical order

Develop Locally

You would need pnpm@7.14.2 in order to bootstrap and test a local copy of this repo.

  1. Clone the repo with git clone
  2. On the root folder, run pnpm install and pnpm turbo run build
  3. On the root folder, run pnpm turbo run dev - that would spin up a local server (localhost:3000) with the nextjs demoapp

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