Keyboard for lithuanians

Improved keyboard layout for communicating in Lithunanian.

Convenient access to numbers

+1 =1, +2 =2...

Convenient access to common characters

++1 =!, ++2 =@, ++3 =#...

Convenient access to Euro symbol

+e =


  • Execute in terminal

    git clone
    mkdir ~/Library/"Keyboard Layouts"
    cp -R mac-lithuanian-keyboard/ConvenientLithuanian.bundle ~/Library/"Keyboard Layouts"
  • Go to Keyboard Preferences in System Preferences, choose Input Sources tab, click + near the bottom, locate others, choose Convenient Lithuanian.

    • If you see 2 items named "Convenient Lithuanian", you've encountered MacOS bug. Only one them will work properly, the other one you will not be able to select as active input source. You can discover which one is right by trial and error, or by clearing system caches (restarting in safe mode, or using some app, e.g Onyx, Yasu, Cocktail.)