Warning: This is not the official implementation of PointRCNN, and it is still in progress.


A 3D object detector that takes point cloud and RGB image(optional) as input.


  1. Perform foreground point segmentation on the whole point cloud
  2. Output a 3D proposal box for every foreground point
  3. Crop point cloud with proposal boxes and feed into the 2nd-stage classification and box refinement network


Recall of RPN

Method Avg. Recall(IOU>0.5)
Point Only 81%
Point+Image 86%

Final detection mAP

Class 3D mAP(Easy, Moderate, Hard) BEV mAP(Easy, Moderate, Hard)
Car 62.179321, 57.947697, 60.453468 81.649628, 75.761436, 76.957726
Pedestrain 59.891392, 61.954231, 54.722935 73.589073, 67.023071, 67.218903
Cyclist 69.380432, 51.198471, 43.347675 71.138779, 52.781166, 44.486042


Todo List

  • Use segmentation result from RPN to help ROI pooling
  • Use dense points obtained from depth completion/stereo for 2nd-stage network