
Fetch via HTTP/HTTPS using got with automatic resume after network failures

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Fetch via HTTP/HTTPS using got with automatic resume after network failures


Use got to make an HTTP request with automatic retries for network errors.

Designed for downloading large files. If transfer fails part-way through, will retry, resuming from point where previous attempt finished, using HTTP range headers.

gotResume( [url], [options] ) -> Stream

const stream = gotResume('http://google.com/');
stream.pipe( fs.createWriteStream('foo.html') );

stream.on('error', err => console.log('Failed!'));
stream.on('end', () => console.log('Finished!'));

gotResume.toFile( path, [url], [options] ) -> Promise

gotResume.toFile('google.html', 'http://google.com/')
  .then(() => console.log('Finished!'))
  .catch(err => console.log('Failed!'));

Promise only resolves (or rejects in case of an error) once transfer is ended and output file is closed.

Promise is a Bluebird v2 promise. Bluebird v2 is used due to its cancellation feature.



Alternative way to provide URL.

const stream = gotResume( {url: 'http://google.com/'} );


Max number of attempts in a row yielding no data (i.e. failed connection, empty response) before aborting.

Set to 0 for no limit. Default 10.

const stream = gotResume( 'http://google.com/', {attempts: 0} );


Max number of total attempts before aborting.

Set to 0 for no limit. Default 0.


Function to determine wait in milliseconds before retry. Called with arguments (attempt, transfer).

attempt is what attempt number for current chunk (reset to zero when a new chunk is successfully received).

transfer is the internal Transfer object (see below).

If function returns false, the transfer is aborted. If using this mechanism, options.attempts should be set to 0 so it does not interfere.

If not provided, default backoff function starts with 1000ms and doubles each time:

function backoff(attempt) {
  return Math.pow(2, attempt - 1) * 1000;


Length of response expected in bytes. If undefined, length will be determined from HTTP content-length header.

If server does not provide content-length header, and options.length is not set, transfer will be considered complete when first successful response completes.

If options.length is set, only that number of bytes will be fetched (i.e. file will be truncated).


Number of bytes at start of resource to skip. Default 0.

NB Number of bytes to be streamed is length - offset. i.e. length is actually not length of response, but end of range.

e.g. {offset: 5, length: 10} will stream 5 bytes.


Set to true if you require the length of the transfer to be retrieved at start of the transfer. Default: false

Explanation: By default got will use transfer encoding (e.g. gzip). This makes the content-length HTTP header unreliable. Setting options.needLength disables encoding so length should be retrieved accurately (if server provides it).


If false (default behavior), will verify that last modified time reported by server is the same across all chunk requests. Transfer will fail on a mismatch.

Set to true to ignore last modified times. This can be useful where last modified times reported by server are inaccurate.


Timeout in milliseconds. Default is 5000 (5 seconds).

To disable timeouts, set to null.

Timeout is for each chunk, not the whole tranfer. After a timeout, the transfer will retry until max attempts are exhausted.

timeout option can also be an object specifying timeouts for different parts of the request/response cycle individually:

timeout: {
  lookup: 1000,
  connect: 1000,
  secureConnect: 1000,
  socket: 1000,
  response: 1000,
  send: 1000,
  request: undefined,
  idle: 10000

If a number is given as timeout option, it will set all the above options to that number, except for request which remains undefined.

All above timeout options are passed to got (see here), except for idle. idle is time to wait before aborting chunk if transfer stalls (no data received in specified time).


An async function that is run before each chunk request. Must return a Promise. Request will commence once promise resolves.

Useful where some authentication requires being set up before the transfer HTTP request, or where resource has a different URL each time (e.g. some file transfer services).

pre function is called with Transfer object (see below). To set URL for next chunk, pre should set transfer.url. To alter got options, should set transfer.gotOptions.

function pre(transfer) {
  transfer.gotOptions.headers['user-agent'] = 'Stealth 2.0';
  return Promise.resolve();


Provide a transform stream through which download stream is passed before being returned.

await gotResume.toFile(
  {transform: zlib.createGzip()}


Function to receive logging information e.g. HTTP responses.

const stream = gotResume( 'http://google.com/', {log: console.log} );


Options to pass to got. See got documentation for details.

const stream = gotResume( 'http://google.com/', {got: {method: 'POST'} } );


.toFile() method only. Promise implementation to use for promises returned.


.toFile() method only. Handler for progress event (see above).


.toFile() method only. Handler for response event (see above).



Emitted with a gotResume.TransferError on stream when transfer fails and has exhausted retries.


Emitted when transfer completes.

NB Is also emitted after error event if transfer fails.


Emitted when data received. Emitted with progress object of form {transferred: 100, total: 3000}.


Emitted with HTTP request object when first HTTP request made to server.

NB Not emitted again for each retry HTTP request. You cannot abort the transfer with request.abort() as the request may be finished if a retry has happened.


Emitted when first successful HTTP response is received. NB Not emitted again for each retry HTTP request.

Useful for e.g. determining length of transfer:

const stream = gotResume('http://google.com/');
stream.on( 'response', res => console.log('Length: ', stream.transfer.length) );


The stream returned by gotStream() has an additional method .cancel(). Calling .cancel() will abort the transfer and cause the stream to emit an error event with a gotResume.CancelError.

If the transfer is complete before .cancel() is called, no error event will be emitted.

If options.pre function is supplied and .cancel() is called while options.pre is running, .cancel() method on the promise returned by options.pre will be called if it exists. Otherwise the transfer will abort once the promise resolves.

The promise returned by .toFile() also has a .cancel() method. Calling cancel will cause the promise to be rejected with a Bluebird CancellationError.

Transfer object

A transfer in progress is represented internally as an instance of gotResume.Transfer class.

Transfer object is stored as stream.transfer and also passed to options.pre function.


This module follows semver. Breaking changes will only be made in major version updates.

All active NodeJS release lines are supported (v16+ at time of writing). After a release line of NodeJS reaches end of life according to Node's LTS schedule, support for that version of Node may be dropped at any time, and this will not be considered a breaking change. Dropping support for a Node version will be made in a minor version update (e.g. 2.3.0 to 2.4.0). If you are using a Node version which is approaching end of life, pin your dependency of this module to patch updates only using tilde (~) e.g. ~2.3.4 to avoid breakages.


Use npm test to run the tests. Use npm run cover to check coverage.

Few tests so far but seems to work fine!


See changelog.md


If you discover a bug, please raise an issue on Github. https://github.com/overlookmotel/got-resume/issues


Pull requests are very welcome. Please:

  • ensure all tests pass before submitting PR
  • add an entry to changelog
  • add tests for new features
  • document new functionality/API additions in README