- 3
Instrumented CommonJS code fails to run if top-level function called `require`
#567 opened by overlookmotel - 0
- 0
- 0
Combine `globals` and `specialFunctions`
#563 opened by overlookmotel - 1
Tokens arrays of tagged template literals not linked to the tagged template
#562 opened by overlookmotel - 1
Support serializing `Float32Array`, `Float64Array`, `BigInt64Array`, `BigUint64Array`
#523 opened by overlookmotel - 0
- 1
`Set`, `Map`, `WeakSet` and `WeakMap` incorrect output where circular entries and prototype or some properties altered
#521 opened by overlookmotel - 0
Remove `inline` option
#501 opened by overlookmotel - 1
- 1
Serializing classes with properties/private properties can cause side effects
#549 opened by overlookmotel - 1
Transpiling `super()` in class constructors does not handle early return
#341 opened by overlookmotel - 0
Class extending super-class with constructor not-containing `super()` is not caught
#540 opened by overlookmotel - 1
Don't transpile `super()`
#541 opened by overlookmotel - 1
Cannot serialize arrow function in class which extends a super class which uses `this` if `super()` not called yet
#334 opened by overlookmotel - 0
Var called `arguments` internal to serialized function should not be renamed
#547 opened by overlookmotel - 1
Tests for strict mode `eval()` not capturing vars which are illegal to use in strict mode code
#548 opened by overlookmotel - 0
Function name can block access to scope vars where frozen by `eval()` in another function
#539 opened by overlookmotel - 3
- 1
- 0
Tests for functions only referred to by other functions in same scope with extra properties
#530 opened by overlookmotel - 0
Tests for "silent" const violations
#531 opened by overlookmotel - 1
`++` and `--` prefix operators not serialized correctly with "soft" constant
#528 opened by overlookmotel - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
Two-phase serialization
#426 opened by overlookmotel - 0
Shorten output for `Set`, `Map`, `WeakSet`, `WeakMap` where circular entries
#522 opened by overlookmotel - 6
Contain `eval()` in a cage in instrumentation
#485 opened by overlookmotel - 0
- 0
Simplify class instrumentation
#483 opened by overlookmotel - 4
Instrumentation throws on `` at top level in CommonJS files or in `eval()`
#446 opened by overlookmotel - 0
Functions containing `eval()` where `this` or `arguments` are accessible allows `eval()` code to access temp vars
#473 opened by overlookmotel - 2
- 1
Revert to `jest-extended` dependency
#466 opened by overlookmotel - 0
Move tracker comments back to `innerComments`
#447 opened by overlookmotel - 3
Coverage reporting not 100% accurate
#471 opened by overlookmotel - 2
Use `jest-light-runner` for tests
#470 opened by overlookmotel - 1
Instrumentation blocks creation of global vars with sloppy-mode indirect `eval`
#458 opened by overlookmotel - 2
Instrumentation can block creation of vars in outside scope with sloppy-mode direct `eval()`
#457 opened by overlookmotel - 0
Instrumentation changes class name where defined in an `AssignmentPattern`
#456 opened by overlookmotel - 0
- 2
Function created in deconstruction in `catch` clause cannot access other vars from catch clause
#322 opened by overlookmotel - 0
- 1
Var in function expression with same name as function confused with reference to function
#324 opened by overlookmotel - 2
- 2
Self-assigning function declaration containing `eval()` serialized incorrectly
#328 opened by overlookmotel - 0
Function referencing variables in temporal dead zone cannot be serialized
#323 opened by overlookmotel - 0
- 0