
Accurately determine native type of values

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Accurately determine native type of values


npm install native-type-of

Requires NodeJS v18.1.0 or later.


Standard values

const typeOf = require('native-type-of');

// Primitives
typeOf('abc') === 'string';
typeOf(123) === 'number';
typeOf(true) === 'boolean';
typeOf(Symbol()) === 'symbol';
typeOf(100n) === 'bigint';
typeOf(null) === 'null';
typeOf(undefined) === 'undefined';

// Functions
typeOf(function() {}) === 'Function';
typeOf(() => {}) === 'Function';
typeOf(async function() {}) === 'Function';
typeOf(function*() {}) === 'Function';
typeOf(async function*() {}) === 'Function';

// Objects
typeOf({}) === 'Object';
class C {}
typeOf(new C()) === 'Object';

// Built-ins
typeOf([]) === 'Array';
typeOf(/^abc$/) === 'RegExp';
typeOf(new Date()) === 'Date';
typeOf(Promise.resolve()) === 'Promise';
typeOf(new Set()) === 'Set';
typeOf(new Map()) === 'Map';
typeOf(new WeakSet()) === 'WeakSet';
typeOf(new WeakMap()) === 'WeakMap';
typeOf(new WeakRef({})) === 'WeakRef';
typeOf(new FinalizationRegistry(() => {})) === 'FinalizationRegistry';
typeOf(new MessageChannel().port1) === 'MessagePort';

// Boxed primitives
typeOf(new String('')) === 'String';
typeOf(new Number(123)) === 'Number';
typeOf(new Boolean(true)) === 'Boolean';
typeOf(Object(BigInt(100)) === 'BigInt';
typeOf(Object(Symbol()) === 'Symbol';

// Errors
typeOf(new Error()) === 'Error';
typeOf(new TypeError()) === 'TypeError';
typeOf(new ReferenceError()) === 'ReferenceError';
// ...etc

// Buffers
typeOf(new ArrayBuffer(8)) === 'ArrayBuffer';
typeOf(new SharedArrayBuffer(8)) === 'SharedArrayBuffer';
typeOf(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3])) === 'Uint8Array';
typeOf(new Int32Array([1, 2, 3])) === 'Int32Array';
// ...etc

Values with altered prototype

If the prototype chain is altered, this package aims to return the native type of the underlying object.

This is where this package differs from others like kind-of.

const map = new Map();
Object.setPrototypeOf(map, Array.prototype);
typeOf(map) === 'Map';

It also ignores custom [Symbol.toStringTag] properties.

const obj = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'Gizmo' };
typeOf(obj) === 'Object';

Known issues

There are a few rare cases where native type cannot be correctly determined:

  • typeOf( Object.setPrototypeOf( Promise.resolve(), Array.prototype ) ) === 'Object' (issue)
  • typeOf( Object.setPrototypeOf( new Error(), Map.prototype ) ) === 'Object' (issue)
  • typeOf( Object.setPrototypeOf( {}, TypeError.prototype ) ) === 'TypeError' (issue)
  • typeOf( new MessageChannel() ) === 'Object' (issue)

These are the only known cases where the result is inaccurate.


Use npm test to run the tests. Use npm run cover to check coverage.


See changelog.md


If you discover a bug, please raise an issue on Github. https://github.com/overlookmotel/native-type-of/issues


Pull requests are very welcome. Please:

  • ensure all tests pass before submitting PR
  • add tests for new features
  • document new functionality/API additions in README
  • do not add an entry to Changelog (Changelog is created when cutting releases)