
SRT subtitling utilities

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SRT subtitling utilities


This module is intended for my personal use. It works, but has no tests at present.


parse( srt )

Parse SRT file as a string.

It aims to be as liberal as possible but report problems which could cause the SRT not to be correctly parsed by other programs.

Returns {subtitles, problems, srt}.

subtitles is array of subtitle objects of form {start, end, text}. start and end in milliseconds.

problems is an array of objects representing problems encountered in parsing the SRT. Each object of form:

  index, // Index of subtitle where problem encountered
  msg, // Description of problem
  canFix // `true` if calling `stringify()` on the subtitles returned will create an SRT with this problem fixed

If SRT cannot be parsed, subtitles will be null and a reason for the failure included in problems.

srt is SRT file as text without any corrections made, expect normalizing line breaks to consistent \n.

stringify( subtitles )

Stringify array of subtitles (as returned from parse()) to SRT format - returned as a string.

conform( subtitles )

Conform array of subtitles according to style guide.

Returns {subtitles, problems}.

subtitles is array of subtitle objects with as many problems as possible fixed.

problems is array of problems encounters (same form as returned by parse()). .canFix is false if could not fully solve the problem.

validate( subtitles )

Validate array of subtitles according to style guide.

Returns problems - same as conform().

msToTimecode( ms )

Convert milliseconds to SRT-format timecode.

e.g. msToTimecode( 62500 ) === '00:01:02,500'

detectBom( buf )

Give a file's contents as a Buffer, detect if it begins with a BOM.

If a BOM is found, its type is returned - 'utf8', 'uft16le' or 'utf16be'.

If no BOM is detected, returns null.

fileBufferToString( buf, bomType )

Converts a file contents Buffer to string, taking into account the BOM.

Using detectBom() and fileBufferToString() together allow reading UTF8 and UTF16 SRT files in a form which can then be passed to parse().


This module follows semver. Breaking changes will only be made in major version updates.

All active NodeJS release lines are supported (v10+ at time of writing). After a release line of NodeJS reaches end of life according to Node's LTS schedule, support for that version of Node may be dropped at any time, and this will not be considered a breaking change. Dropping support for a Node version will be made in a minor version update (e.g. 1.2.0 to 1.3.0). If you are using a Node version which is approaching end of life, pin your dependency of this module to patch updates only using tilde (~) e.g. ~1.2.3 to avoid breakages.


Use npm test to run the tests. Use npm run cover to check coverage.


See changelog.md


If you discover a bug, please raise an issue on Github. https://github.com/overlookmotel/srt/issues


Pull requests are very welcome. Please:

  • ensure all tests pass before submitting PR
  • add tests for new features
  • document new functionality/API additions in README
  • do not add an entry to Changelog (Changelog is created when cutting releases)