This application can be used for personal usage to manage jira from terminal.
This application can be used in multiple platform.
This package is available in brew as jira-terminal
. You can install it with following command:
brew tap amritghimire/jira-terminal
brew install jira-terminal
This package is availabe in aur repository as jira-terminal-bin
On debian based system, the deb file is available in releases. You can download latest release from there. Please make sure libc is installed in your system.
If you already have a Rust environment set up, you can use the cargo install command:
cargo install jira-terminal
Cargo will build the jira-terminal binary and place it in $HOME/.cargo/bin. You can also setup Rust toolchain from Rust official site
Compiled binary versions of jira-terminal are uploaded to GitHub when a release is made. You can install jira-terminal manually by downloading a release , extracting it, and copying the binary to a directory in your $PATH, such as /usr/local/bin.
The autocompletion script can be found in the release section. You can download the autocompletion script from there or use our application to generate the script. To generate the script, run:
jira-terminal autocompletion --shell [zsh|bash|fish|powershell|elvish] > _jira.terminal
Depending on your shell, you can move your autocompletion file to the following location:
- ZSH -
- BASH -
- Fish -
When running the application for first time, you will be asked with following values.
- hostname [This will be used to identify the jira hostname to be used.]
- email [Email address you use to login with the application.]
- token [You can obtain the app password from the link specified in the application]
After that, you can use following commands for help.
jira-terminal help
jira-terminal help list
jira-terminal help transition
jira-terminal help alias
jira-terminal help detail
jira-terminal help fields
jira-terminal help update
jira-terminal help new
jira-terminal help assign
jira-terminal help comment
jira-terminal help autocompletion
JIRA Terminal 1.5.0
Amrit Ghimire <>
This is a command line application that can be used as a personal productivity tool for interacting with JIRA
jira-terminal [SUBCOMMAND]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
alias Configuration for alias. One of add,list or remove is required.
assign Assign a ticket to user.
autocompletion Generate autocompletion script..
comment List or add comments to a ticket. Default action is adding.
detail Detail of a JIRA tickets..
fields List of possible Fields for details...
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List the issues from JIRA.
new Create a new ticket.
transition Transition of ticket across status.
update Update a field for a ticket
List the issues from JIRA.
jira-terminal list [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-M, --me Issues assigned to you.
-V, --version Prints version information
-A, --alias <ALIAS> Save the applied options as an alias. You can use it with jql option later.
-a, --assignee <ASIGNEE>... Assignee username or email to filter with.
-c, --component <COMPONENT>... Component name or ID to filter with.
-C, --count <COUNT> Total number of issues to show. (Default is 50)
-d, --display <DISPLAY> Comma separated list of fields to display.
Possible options for fields are:
You can pass alias as option for display. You can save alias using alias
subcommand for the application.
Default options are
-e, --epic <EPIC>... EPIC name or issue key of epic to filter with.
-f, --filter <FILTER>... Filter name or filter id that you saved in JIRA.
-j, --jql <JQL> JQL Query or alias to JQL query to filter with.
-l, --label <LABEL>... Search for issues with a label or list of labels.
-o, --offset <OFFSET> Offset to start the first item to return in a page of results. (Default is 0)
-m, --main <PARENT>... Search for subtask of a particular issue.
-P, --priority <PRIORITY>... Search for issues with a particular priority.
-p, --project <PROJECT>... Project Code to filter with.
-r, --reporter <REPORTER>... Search for issues that were reported by a particular user.
-s, --sprint <SPRINT>... Search for issues that are assigned to a particular sprint.
-S, --status <STATUS>... Search for issues that have a particular status.
-T, --text <TEXT> This is a master-field that allows you to search all text fields for issues.
-t, --type <TYPE>... Search for issues that have a particular issue type.
You can specify the following fields multiple time to filter by multiple values.
assignee, component, epic, filter, label, main, priority, project, reporter, sprint, status, type.
For example to fetch list of tickets in Backlog and In progress, you can use
jira-terminal list -s Backlog -s 'In Progress'
Transition of ticket across status.
jira-terminal transition [FLAGS] <STATUS> --ticket <TICKET>
-h, --help Prints help information
-l, --list List the possible transitions.
-V, --version Prints version information
-t, --ticket <TICKET> Ticket ID from JIRA.
<STATUS> Status or alias of status to move the ticket to.
Configuration for alias. One of add,list or remove is required.
jira-terminal alias [FLAGS] <NAME> --add <add> --list --remove
-h, --help Prints help information
-l, --list List the alias saved.
-r, --remove List the alias saved.
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --add <add> Value to associate with provided alias name.
<NAME> Name of alias. (Required except for list option)
Sample usage:
jira-terminal alias -l
jira-terminal alias alias_name -a "Alias Value"
jira-terminal alias -r alias_name
Detail of a JIRA tickets..
jira-terminal detail [OPTIONS] <TICKET>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-f, --fields <fields> Comma separated lists of fields or alias to show.
Possible options are:
You can use all to show all fields.
Default selection are:
<TICKET> Ticket id for details.
List of possible Fields for details...
jira-terminal fields <TICKET>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
<TICKET> Ticket id for details.
Update a field for a ticket
jira-terminal update <TICKET> --field <field> --value <value>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-f, --field <field> Key of field to update. You can use jira-terminal fields <TICKET> to see possible set of
-v, --value <value> Value of the field to update.
<TICKET> Ticket ID to update
Create a new ticket.
jira-terminal new [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --main <main> --project <project>
-h, --help Prints help information
-M, --mininal Only summary and description will be asked if not available.
-q, --quiet Do not ask for missing options.
-V, --version Prints version information
-a, --assignee <assignee> Assignee email of ticket
-c, --components <components> Comma separated list of components of ticket
-C, --custom <custom> Comma separated value pair for custom fields. You can use alias in value or key
itself. Example- "customfield_12305:value,alias_to_key:value2. You can use fields
subcommand to check the list of custom fields available.
-d, --description <description> Description of ticket
-l, --labels <labels> Comma separated list of labels.
-m, --main <main> Main tiecket to create the sub-ticket.
-p, --priority <priority> Priority Of the ticket.
-P, --project <project> Project Key to create the ticket.
-s, --summary <summary> Summary of ticket
-t, --type <type> Issue type for new ticket.
Assign a ticket to user.
jira-terminal assign --ticket <ticket> --user <user>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-t, --ticket <ticket> Ticket to use.
-u, --user <user> Assign the ticket to the provided user.
List or add comments to a ticket. Default action is adding.
jira-terminal comment [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --ticket <ticket>
-h, --help Prints help information
-l, --list List all the comments of a ticket.
-V, --version Prints version information
-b, --body <body> Body of the comment. To mention someone, you can use @(query) The query can include jira
username or display name or email address.
-t, --ticket <ticket> Ticket to use.
- The credentials and other configuration are stored in a file
. The base64 encoded version of credentials are only written tin the configuration file.