Chinese Vocabulary

If you're learning Chinese, you've likely encountered words that seem to hold the same meaning but are used in different contexts. These pairs of words can sometimes be challenging to distinguish for learners. However, understanding their nuances is crucial to mastering the language and using it effectively.

For each pair, we provide their common English translations, the concepts they often refer to, and some example sentences to illustrate their usage.

Our goal is to help you differentiate these similar words and enhance your understanding of Chinese vocabulary. Let's dive in!

"勇敢" (Brave) "膽大" (Bold)
Translation Brave, Courageous Bold, Daring
Often Refers to Moral or physical courage in the face of danger or adversity Audacity or recklessness
Example 1 勇敢的士兵 (Brave soldiers) 膽大的決定 (Bold decision)
Example 2 勇敢面對困難 (Courageously facing difficulties) 膽大的冒險家 (Daring adventurer)
Example 3 勇敢的心 (A brave heart) 膽大的行為 (Bold actions)
Example 4 勇敢的行為 (Brave actions) 膽大的投資 (Bold investment)
"熱情" (Enthusiasm) "熱烈" (Intensity)
Translation Enthusiasm, Passion Intensity, Fervor
Often Refers to Emotional zeal or ardor Intense actions or reactions
Example 1 熱情的粉絲 (Enthusiastic fans) 熱烈的火焰 (Intense flames)
Example 2 熱情的招待 (Warm hospitality) 熱烈的反應 (Strong reaction)
Example 3 對人熱情 (Being warm to people) 熱烈的掌聲 (Thunderous applause)
Example 4 工作的熱情 (Passion for work) 熱烈的歡迎 (Warm welcome)

1. "结束" (jié shù) vs "完成" (wán chéng)

"结束" generally means "to end" or "to finish," often referring to the conclusion of an event or process. "完成," on the other hand, translates to "to complete" or "to accomplish," typically used when a task or duty has been fully realized.

"结束" (End) "完成" (Complete)
Translation End Complete
Often Refers to Conclusion of an event or process Accomplishment of a task or duty
Example 1 会议结束 (The meeting ends) 完成作业 (Complete the homework)
Example 2 演唱会结束 (The concert ends) 完成报告 (Complete the report)
Example 3 比赛结束 (The game ends) 完成项目 (Complete the project)
Example 4 电影结束 (The movie ends) 完成任务 (Complete the task)

2. "创新" (chuàng xīn) vs "发明" (fā míng)

"创新" translates to "innovation," often used in the context of new ideas or methods. "发明," on the other hand, means "invention," typically referring to a new device, method, or process developed from study and experimentation.

"创新" (Innovation) "发明" (Invention)
Translation Innovation Invention
Often Refers to New ideas or methods New device, method, or process
Example 1 创新的思维 (Innovative thinking) 科学发明 (Scientific invention)
Example 2 创新的技术 (Innovative technology) 发明新产品 (Invent a new product)
Example 3 创新的方法 (Innovative methods) 发明新方法 (Invent a new method)
Example 4 创新的设计 (Innovative design) 发明的专利 (Invention patent)

3. "友谊" (yǒu yì) vs "友情" (yǒu qíng)

"友谊" and "友情" both refer to "friendship," but they are used in slightly different contexts. "友谊" often refers to the mutual respect and understanding between two people, while "友情" is often used to describe the affection and companionship between friends.

"友谊" (Friendship) "友情" (Friendship)
Translation Friendship Friendship
Often Refers to Mutual respect and understanding Affection and companionship
Example 1 保护友谊 (Protect friendship) 友情的拥抱 (Friendly hug)
Example 2 建立友谊 (Establish friendship) 友情的支持 (Friendly support)
Example 3 深厚的友谊 (Deep friendship) 友情的游戏 (Friendly game)
Example 4 长久的友谊 (Long-lasting friendship) 友情的礼物 (Friendly gift)

6. "成功" (chéng gōng) vs "达成" (dá chéng)

"成功" translates to "success" and often refers to the achievement of a goal or aim. "达成" means "to achieve" or "to reach," typically used when a target, agreement, or consensus has been met.

"成功" (Success) "达成" (Achieve)
Translation Success Achieve
Often Refers to Achievement of a goal or aim Reaching a target, agreement, or consensus
Example 1 成功的商人 (Successful businessman) 达成协议 (Reach an agreement)
Example 2 成功的项目 (Successful project) 达成共识 (Reach a consensus)
Example 3 成功的策略 (Successful strategy) 达成目标 (Achieve a target)
Example 4 成功的演出 (Successful performance) 达成交易 (Achieve a deal)

7. "梦想" (mèng xiǎng) vs "愿望" (yuàn wàng)

"梦想" and "愿望" both refer to "dreams" or "wishes," but they have slightly different connotations. "梦想" often refers to a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal, while "愿望" often refers to a strong desire or hope for something to happen.

"梦想" (Dream) "愿望" (Wish)
Translation Dream Wish
Often Refers to A cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal A strong desire or hope for something
Example 1 追求梦想 (Pursue a dream) 许一个愿望 (Make a wish)
Example 2 实现梦想 (Realize a dream) 心愿已达 (Wish fulfilled)
Example 3 梦想成真 (Dreams come true) 愿望清单(Wish list)
Example 4 梦想的职业 (Dream job) 最大的愿望 (Biggest wish)

8. "困难" (kùn nán) vs "挑战" (tiǎo zhàn)

"困难" translates to "difficulty" and often refers to a situation that is hard to deal with or understand. "挑战," on the other hand, means "challenge" and typically refers to an invitation to engage in a competition or a difficult task that tests one's abilities.

"困难" (Difficulty) "挑战" (Challenge)
Translation Difficulty Challenge
Often Refers to A situation that is hard to deal with or understand A competition or a difficult task that tests abilities
Example 1 面临困难 (Facing difficulties) 接受挑战 (Accept a challenge)
Example 2 解决困难 (Solve difficulties) 挑战自我 (Challenge oneself)
Example 3 克服困难 (Overcome difficulties) 挑战极限 (Challenge limits)
Example 4 遭遇困难 (Encounter difficulties) 挑战权威 (Challenge authority)

9. "勤奋" (qín fèn) vs "努力" (nǔ lì)

"勤奋" translates to "diligence" and is often used to describe a persistent work ethic or effort. "努力," on the other hand, means "hard work" or "effort" and typically refers to the exertion of physical or mental power.

"勤奋" (Diligence) "努力" (Effort)
Translation Diligence Effort
Often Refers to A persistent work ethic or effort Exertion of physical or mental power
Example 1 勤奋的学生 (Diligent student) 努力工作 (Work hard)
Example 2 勤奋学习 (Study diligently) 努力学习 (Study hard)
Example 3 勤奋的劳动 (Diligent labor) 努力赚钱 (Work hard to earn money)
Example 4 勤奋的态度 (Diligent attitude) 努力的态度 (Hardworking attitude)