
https://overtrack.gg/ site | Automatic Match History for Overwatch and Apex Legends

Primary LanguageSCSS

All Contributors PRs Welcome Discord chat

Running Locally


Dependencies are installed through poetry

poetry install

Poetry uses pyproject.toml to specify requirements as per pep 518. Requirements can be added with poetry add <package>, and the lock file can be updated with poetry update.

Note overtrack-web depends on overtrack-models (which is specified as a git dependency in pyproject.toml and should be installed automatically by poetry).



cd overtrack_web
FLASK_APP=overtrack_web.local_flask_app FLASK_DEBUG=1 poetry run flask run 

if you are using poetry's automatic virtual environments or

cd overtrack_web
FLASK_APP=overtrack_web.local_flask_app FLASK_DEBUG=1 flask run 

if you are managing your virtual environment yourself.

The port can be changed by setting FLASK_RUN_PORT.

Local development mode notes

local_flask_app.py exposes a flask app that matches much of the live version and mocks access to games so that games are populated from the OverTrack API using public share links. The source of the "mock" games can be changed by changing the environment variables APEX_GAMES_SOURCE and OVERWATCH_GAMES_SOURCE. It would also be possible to modify the initial fetching of games to use a session cookie instead, which would allow you use your own games. Keep in mind that games are cached in requests_cache.sqlite for much faster local page loads and app init. Delete this and reload to redownload the games lists and update games.

The local flask app does not run with the discord bot or subscribe pages active, and mocks login so that you are always logged in as a dummy user.

overtrack_web/flask_app.py is the flask app used for hosting the actual site, and requires access to overtrack's AWS resources to run.

Using an IDE

Once packages are installed with poetry, you can set your IDE to use the poetry created virtualenvironment. Use poetry show -v to get the virtualenvironment path.

Use the environment variables from commands (i.e. FLASK_APP and FLASK_DEBUG) and if required set the interpreter to be the python executable in the virtualenvironment created by poetry. In PyCharm, set the module to flask with the parameters run, in other IDE's you may just need to set the command to flask run.



All python code is contained within overtrack_web/overtrack_web.

Views should be contained within the views package, generally exposing a blueprint that can be registered in flask_app.py/local_flask_app.py.

Some complex views are surrounded by try/catch statements inside the flask_app for import and registering. This allows the application to function even if that view breaks on import (e.g. if it's initialisation requires fetching an external resource).


Templates can be found in overtrack_web/templates.

Templates are written in jinja2's templating language (or pure html).

Static content

Static content can be found in overtrack_web/static.

On live static content is uploaded to a CDN and url_for is modified to return the CDN urls for static assets.


SCSS is compiled from overtrack_web/static/scss as part of the flask app while running locally, and placed in static/css. Do not edit static/css manually.

On live, SCSS is compiled when building and static/css is uploaded to the CDN.


Javascript sources can be found in overtrack_web/static/js. Javascript libraries should be placed in overtrack_web/static/js/lib.

When running locally using local_flask_app.py, urls requesting *.min.js will be modified to *.js, so if .min.js versions are added, make sure to include the corresponding .js.


Images are contained in overtrack_web/static/images.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Simon Pinfold

💻 🎨

Jessica Mortimer

💻 🎨



Michael Voell


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!