
Simple client side validation for Rails that keeps validation in the models

Primary LanguageRuby

Provides client side validation, with the help of the jquery validation plugin. Keeping validation in the model, where it belongs.


Add green_light to your Gemfile and run the bundle install command.

gem 'green_light'


Include the JQuery validation plugin in your app/assets/javascripts/application.js file:-

//= require jquery.validate

Since the validation rules are creating dynmically they need to be included in the header of your layout file:-

<%= javascript_include_tag "green_light" %>

Add the green_light class to the forms that you wish to have client side validation:-

<%= form_for(@model, :html => { :class => 'green_light' }) do |f| %>

And finally, add some validations to your models!

Currently Supports these validations


For validations that are not yet supported, the gem will degrade gracefully to the standard Rails server-side validation.

Legacy Rails 3 Support

For Rails 3 support use the older version (0.0.3) of green_light


JQuery is require for the jquery validation plugin. Be sure to include this in your application.js file:-

//= require jquery

Running the Tests

bundle install
bundle exec rspec spec