PALM: Pre-training an Autoencoding & Autoregressive Language Model for Context-conditioned Generation

Primary LanguagePython


Source code for the paper: PALM: Pre-training an Autoencoding&Autoregressive Language Model for Context-conditioned Generation (Accepted by EMNLP 2020)


  • FairSeq version >= 1.0.0
  • PyTorch version >= 1.0.0
  • Python version >= 3.6
  • export CFLAGS='-std=c99'

Pre-Training with PALM (English)

Download Pre-training Data

  • Wikipedia Dump
wget https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 --no-check-certificate
python3 -m utils.process_wikicorpus

Create Pre-training Data

python3 -m utils.create_pretraining_data_en /corpus/wiki


Change the task name in the script(e.g. wikitext).

sh scripts/bpe_preprocess_en.sh


Change the task name in the script(e.g. wikitext).

sh scripts/palm-preprocess.sh


You can find a trainning experiment example here

DevCloud Machine

sh run_docker.sh mirrors.[docker image].com/minerva/hvdapex2:MINERVA_PALM 'sh /apdcephfs/private_chewu/PALM/scripts/palm-train.sh'

Submit to Taiji

jizhi_client start -scfg /apdcephfs/private_chewu/PALM/jizhi/jizhi_palm_pretrain.json

Pre-training with PALM (Chinese)

Download Pre-training Data

  • /apdcephfs/share_1351585/lucasxing/data/corpus.txt

Create Pre-training Data

python3 -m utils.create_pretraining_data /apdcephfs/share_1351585/dataset


Change the task name in the script(e.g. pretrain).

sh scripts/bpe-preprocess.sh


Change the task name in the script(e.g. pretrain).

sh scripts/palm-preprocess.sh


Change the data directory in the script(e.g. wikitext_bin)

sh run_docker.sh mirrors.[docker image].com/minerva/hvdapex2:MINERVA_PALM 'sh /apdcephfs/private_chewu/PALM/scripts/palm-train.sh'

Distributed training (e.g. replacing node_rank=0 with node_rank=1 on the second)

sh run_docker.sh mirrors.[docker image].com/minerva/hvdapex2:MINERVA_PALM 'sh /apdcephfs/private_chewu/PALM/scripts/palm-train.dist.sh'

Submit to Taiji

jizhi_client start -scfg /apdcephfs/private_chewu/PALM/jizhi/jizhi_dist.json


- /apdcephfs/share_1351585/FM/NLG/zh/palm_pretrain_checkpoints/checkpoint_best.pt

Summary Task with PALM (Chinese)


  • /apdcephfs/private_chewu/VLFM/video_summary/weibo_dataset

Make datafiles

python3 -m utils.make_datafiles /apdcephfs/private_chewu/VLFM/video_summary/weibo_dataset

BPE preprocess

sh scripts/bpe_preprocess_summary.sh

Binarize dataset

sh scripts/preprocess_summary.sh

Train without the pre-trained model

sh run_docker.sh mirrors.[docker image].com/minerva/hvdapex2:MINERVA_PALM 'sh scripts/palm_finetune_sum.sh'

Tanslate pre-processed data with a fine-tuned model

sh run_docker.sh mirrors.[docker image].com/minerva/hvdapex2:MINERVA_PALM 'sh scripts/palm_generate_sum.sh'


python3 utils/score.py --rouge --gen_file /apdcephfs/private_chewu/video_summary/weibo_dataset/generate-test.txt


python3 -m utils.summarize --model-dir /apdcephfs/private_chewu/models/palm_finetune_weibo_checkpoints/ --src /apdcephfs/private_chewu/video_summary/weibo_dataset/test.source

Package Checkpoints for Model Hub (Sample)

cd /apdcephfs/share_1351585/FM/NLG/zh/
tar -czf palm.base.tar.gz palm.base 


We aim to minimize the dependency of this repo on other packages.
We use fairseq as the main trainer (no models/datasets dependency on fairseq. We will support other trainer in future):

git clone https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq
cd fairseq
pip3 install -e .  # also optionally follow fairseq README for apex installation for fp16 training.
export MKL_THREADING_LAYER=GNU  # fairseq may need this for numpy.

Then install this toolkit:

cd examples/PALM  # PALM can be in any folder, not necessarily under fairseq/examples.
pip3 install -e .


We extended Fairseq to support PALM by adding Auto_Encoding_Regressive task, PALM model and Label_Smoothed_Cross_Entropy_with_Masked_LM criterion.


Please cite as:

  title={PALM: Pre-training an Autoencoding\&Autoregressive Language Model for Context-conditioned Generation},
  author={Bi, Bin and Li, Chenliang and Wu, Chen and Yan, Ming and Wang, Wei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.07159},