
Ory Elements is a component library that makes building login, registration and account pages for Ory a breeze. Checkout the API documentation https://ory.github.io/elements

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ory Elements

Ory Elements is a component library that makes building login, registration and account pages for Ory a breeze.

  • Reduces time to add complex auth flows to your customer experience, including multi-factor authentication and account recovery
  • Themeable and modular - use only what you need from it
  • Works with the React ecosystem (NextJS, React SPA, Preact SPA)
  • Works with the Express based ecosystem
  • Dynamically adapts the user interface to your Ory identity schema, sign-in and flow configuration

Ory Elements supports integrating with:

  • React
  • Preact
  • ExpressJs (experimental)

Getting Started

Install Ory Elements into your existing React / Preact or ExpressJS application. You can find example apps here


npm install @ory/elements --save


npm install @ory/elements-preact --save


npm install @ory/elements-markup --save

Example Apps

Dive into Ory Elements with our react and preact SPA example applications, located in the examples/ directory.

To run the example application you will need a couple of things:

  1. An Ory Network (free) account
  2. The Ory CLI (tunnel)

Clone this repository and set up the React example.

git clone git@github.com:ory/elements
npm run initialize
npm run build:clean
cd examples/react-spa
export VITE_ORY_SDK_URL=http://localhost:4000
npm run dev -- --port 3000

Now run the Ory CLI tunnel.

ory tunnel http://localhost:3000 --project <project-slug> --dev

The tunnel will now mirror the Ory APIs under http://localhost:4000 which we have explicitly told our React app to use through the VITE_ORY_SDK_URL export.

Now you can see Ory Elements in action by opening http://localhost:3000 in your browser!

Quickstart: Storybook

Explore the Ory Elements via Storybook!

Clone this repository and run:

npm run initialize
npm run build
# or `npm run build:clean` to ensure no packages have cached versions
npm run storybook


Write a new component inside the src/react-components directory with its corresponding CSS in src/theme. Check it out by writing a new story for the component in the src/stories folder.

Add a test to verify the component works correctly by creating a new file next to the component file with the same name and an added *.spec.ts extension. All E2E and component tests are written in Playwright.

Example Apps

To contribute an example application, please add it to the examples/ folder. To ensure the example works correctly within the Lerna build system, add the elements package to the example package.json with an asterisk * as the version.

Below is an example of how you should add the package.

"devDependencies": {
  "@ory/elements": "*"

Understanding Ory Elements

Bundling System

Ory Elements uses Lerna to bundle each package in the Ory Elements mono-repository. This also helps with package management and build caching. Lerna also publishes the code to the public npm registry for us.

Lerna also use Nx to build the packages in parallel.

Strongly typed CSS using Vanilla-Extract

Vanilla-Extract is used to strongly type the CSS, a type of CSS-in-JS library which generates a static CSS file for us when the library is built. This means we can manage our CSS and reduce a lot of typing, since it can generate the CSS classes for us.

Here is an example of vanilla-extract in action!

export const dividerStyle = recipe({
  base: {
    display: "block",
    textAlign: "center",
    overflow: "hidden",
    boxSizing: "border-box",
    border: 0,
    borderTop: `${pxToRem(4)} solid`,
    borderColor: oryTheme.border.def,
    width: pxToRem(64),
  variants: {
    sizes: {
      fullWidth: {
        width: "100%",

Generated JS function.

var dividerStyle = createRuntimeFn({
  defaultClassName: "_3ldkmt0",
  variantClassNames: { sizes: { fullWidth: "_3ldkmt1" } },
  defaultVariants: {},
  compoundVariants: [],

And the gO ._3ldkmt0 { display: block; text-align: center; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; border: 0; border-top: 0.25rem solid; border-color: var(--ory-theme-border-def); width: 4rem; }

._3ldkmt1 { width: 100%; }

### Overriding Styles

Vanilla-Extract also provides us theme variables which we can give static names.
This means we can overwrite them inside the project consuming the library!

:root {
  --ory-theme-font-family: Inter;
  --ory-theme-font-style: normal;
  --ory-theme-accent-def: #3d53f5;
  --ory-theme-accent-muted: #6475f7;
  --ory-theme-accent-emphasis: #3142c4;
  --ory-theme-accent-disabled: #e0e0e0;
  --ory-theme-accent-subtle: #eceefe;
  --ory-theme-foreground-def: #171717;
  --ory-theme-foreground-muted: #616161;
  --ory-theme-foreground-subtle: #9e9e9e;
  --ory-theme-foreground-disabled: #bdbdbd;
  --ory-theme-foreground-on-dark: #ffffff;
  --ory-theme-foreground-on-accent: #ffffff;
  --ory-theme-foreground-on-disabled: #e0e0e0;
  --ory-theme-background-surface: #ffffff;
  --ory-theme-background-canvas: #fcfcfc;
  --ory-theme-error-def: #9c0f2e;
  --ory-theme-error-subtle: #fce8ec;
  --ory-theme-error-muted: #e95c7b;
  --ory-theme-error-emphasis: #df1642;
  --ory-theme-success-emphasis: #18a957;
  --ory-theme-border-def: #e0e0e0;
  --ory-theme-text-def: #ffffff;
  --ory-theme-text-disabled: #757575;
  --ory-theme-input-background: #ffffff;
  --ory-theme-input-disabled: #e0e0e0;
  --ory-theme-input-placeholder: #9e9e9e;
  --ory-theme-input-text: #424242;

Inside our components we provide the <ThemeProvider /> which exposes the themeOverrides property so that you can implement your own theme.

import "@ory/elements-preact/style.css"
const Main = () => {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider themeOverrides={customTheme}>
        <Route path="/" component={Dashboard} />
        <Route path="/login" component={Login} />
        <Route path="/signup" component={Register} />
        <Route path="/verification" component={Verification} />
        <Route path="/recovery" component={Recovery} />
        <Route path="/settings" component={Settings} />

Theme CSS in ExpressJS

For ExpressJS the library also exports a helper function which registers all the CSS the library produces.

import express, { Application } from "express"
import { assignInlineVars } from "@vanilla-extract/dynamic"
import { oryTheme, Theme } from "../theme"

export const RegisterOryElementsExpress = (app: Application, theme: Theme) => {
  app.use("/theme.css", (req, res) => {
    res.header("Content-Type", "text/css")
      `body {${assignInlineVars(oryTheme, {
  app.use("/", express.static("node_modules/@ory/elements/dist"))

Which exposes all the relevant CSS files for us which we just import in our HTML page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> // the default theme variables
<link rel="stylesheet" href="theme.css" /> // the overidden theme variables

Rendering components

We can then reference a component through handlebars' helper functions that return pure HTML.


{{{typography "Welcome!" "headline37" "foregroundDefault"}}}
// Render the data using a view (e.g. Jade Template):
res.render("login", {
  typography: (text: string, size: any, color: any) =>
      children: text,
      type: "regular",
  card: UserAuthCard({
    title: !(flow.refresh || flow.requested_aal === "aal2")
      ? "Sign In"
      : "Two-Factor Authentication",
    flow: flow as SelfServiceFlow,
    flowType: "login",
    cardImage: "ory-logo.svg",
    additionalProps: {
      forgotPasswordURL: "recovery",
      signupURL: initRegistrationUrl,
      logoutURL: logoutUrl,

Component System

Ory Elements solely relies on React components since they are easy to write and provides support to a large React based ecosystem. The project then bundles these components to their respective needs. An example is bundling for Preact which you can find in the packages' folder. It uses the React components directly in this case but bundles it specifically for Preact support.

Each component relies on some CSS styles, which are located in the theme directory. To understand how this works, please refer to the CSS System

Express JS systems

Express JS is an edge-case which requires the React components to be wrapped by the ReactDOMServer to produce static HTML. This essentially does server-side rendering of the components and removes any client-side JavaScript. Each component needs to be wrapped by ComponentWrapper which essentially uses ReactDOMServer. The elements-markup package then bundles the React library with it so that the React code lives with the component library.

Here is an example of exporting the UserAuthCard.

import {
  UserAuthCard as userAuthCard,
} from "../react-components"

export const UserAuthCard = (props: UserAuthCardProps) => {
  return ComponentWrapper(userAuthCard(props))

export type { UserAuthCardProps } from "../react-components"

Asset System

Assets are bundled into a singular style.css file under each packages' dist/ folder. Anything placed inside the assets folder will be bundled. They can also be directly imported by the React components to be used and are sometimes required by a component. An example is the Social Button Component.

Versioning and Publishing

Ory Elements uses a fully automatic release publishing pipeline. All that is necessary is to create a new release on GitHub after which the workflow runs all the necessary steps to release the modules to the NPM registry.