- 1
- 4
[oui-numeric] Default behavior on Firefox
#786 opened by jperchoc - 2
[oui-datagrid]: a null value in rows break the display
#563 opened by Jisay - 1
[oui-timepicker] Disabled attribute does not work
#785 opened by jperchoc - 1
[oui-collapsible] issue with overflow on popovers
#773 opened by jperchoc - 0
[oui-popover] Text overflow if a word is too long
#775 opened by jperchoc - 0
Feature request: have a "range" component
#795 opened by pfrayer - 0
[oui-select] Glitch with `searchable` property
#649 opened by XciD - 1
- 1
- 0
[oui-popover] word-break inside oui-tile-description
#774 opened by jperchoc - 0
[oui-flags] - svg published are invalid
#696 opened by antleblanc - 1
[oui-calendar] localization not working
#672 opened by frenautvh - 0
[oui-timepicker] model not updated
#673 opened by frenautvh - 0
Documentation - Color contrast
#646 opened by marie-j - 1
- 1
- 16
ovh-ui-kit fails when starting the project
#648 opened by mohammed-zahaf - 1
Oui-field property is undefined
#496 opened by marie-j - 0
[oui-action-menu]: disabled attribute does not work with items having an href attribute
#498 opened by Jisay - 1
[oui-flag]: background-image url
#593 opened by antleblanc - 0
Useless z-index on oui-table
#64 opened by neolitec - 0
button should not contain div
#79 opened by neolitec - 0
oui-datagrid : row-loader not called
#554 opened by marie-j - 1
[oui-field] Customize error display
#458 opened by Jisay - 1
RFS for font-size?
#382 opened by feoche - 2
- 2
add compiled dist
#47 opened by makidelille - 0
- 2
- 2
Resizing a textarea is very slow
#185 opened by euhmeuh - 1
Add the version of ovh-ui-kit to the url in @font-face
#140 opened by Jisay - 0
- 1
- 0
Unable to interpret argument remcalc.
#12 opened by antleblanc