
[bug] venom variable interpolation not working as expected in test file

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I'm using Venom 0.27 and I have a test file that contains the following vars:

  kubeconfig.path:          '/tmp/default'
  kubecmd:                  'kubectl --kubeconfig={{.kubeconfig.path}}' 

When I run this test file with --var kubeconfig.path=/tmp/test, I expect the output to be:

kubecmd="kubectl --kubeconfig=/tmp/test" 

(This is what I get in 0.27)

However, the output with the current version is:

kubecmd="kubectl --kubeconfig=/tmp/default" 

As you can see, the kubecmd variable is not being interpolated correctly. I understand that Venom may have changed the behavior of variable interpolation in version 0.27, but I'm not sure why the interpolation is not working as expected in this case.

Do you know if this behavior is expected and/or how to fix it?

Thank you!