- 0
- 0
Assert sql exception to test constraints
#827 opened by Markus- - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
feature: NATS executor
#820 opened by LuBashQ - 0
Iterate through data for entire test
#819 opened by joh9347 - 1
- 0
Venom does not resolve DNS names like "curl"
#816 opened by arikkfir - 0
Add support for gRPC error details
#815 opened by KenxinKun - 0
- 0
- 6
- 5
- 0
- 6
(bug) Subassertions are not rendered in reports
#754 opened by bcecchinato - 1
- 0
- 2
v1.2.0 has no public docker image
#791 opened by brentnd - 1
Add HTTP/2 support
#807 opened by prime-optimus - 0
Variable interpolation
#804 opened by yesnault - 7
Need uuid support just randAlphaNum
#748 opened by imran-quresh1 - 0
(suggestion) Homebrew formula
#766 opened by rbq - 4
- 4
(suggestion) replace "{{ }}" with "$( )", "${ }" or any yaml-friendly marker
#769 opened by cdevienne - 1
- 4
#737 opened by blame2020 - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 6
(suggestion) Customize test result filename
#757 opened by bcecchinato - 2
(suggestion) Allow delay in non-retryable tasks
#755 opened by bcecchinato - 0
(suggestion) venom logs formatting and content
#790 opened by mxm-tr - 0
Read config from .config/venomrc
#796 opened by bersace - 4
Customize Html Test Report - extract the Required data from venom log and Report
#802 opened by ushabkrishna - 1
Broken Kafka tests after version v1.2.0 bump
#795 opened by kravcs - 2
- 1
- 5
invalid session id with web executor
#780 opened by FloRichardAloeCorp - 4
Documentation update for beta4
#763 opened by miklosbagi - 2
Add --var-env [prefix] feature
#762 opened by ymartin-ovh - 0
- 0
(bug) Test case mark as failed even if succeeded
#751 opened by bcecchinato - 1
- 1
Wrong executable for Intel-based Mac
#743 opened by polyphilz - 1
- 3
Parallel execution of test suites
#736 opened by fokion - 5
FEATURE REQUEST: Skip specific `.yml` or `.yaml` files on blanket `venom run`
#740 opened by polyphilz - 0
venom panic on failure
#724 opened by fsamin