Orchestrate queue jobs at multi hosts by space or cpu time
We have a API to register new process, register hosts, list them status, inform for a foreign request for a resource (host memory/cputime).
- Each host is a object that have Memory and CpuTime rules.
- Each process is executed inside a host.
So to use OrchJS in you need any storage type like Json, MySQL, PostgreSQL, in .ENV you set your preferences and we do installation for you.
Strongly recommend to hosting API in a private network, like a Docker Network or Google Private Network, Amazon Private Network etc.
This tell to orchjs that process0 want to be execute
socket.emit('requestExecution', {
name: 'process_0',
key: 'keyUniqueForEachProcess',
memory: 300,
cpuTime: 3
This function will be triggered when process can run
socket.on('onExecution', callbackFn);
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue
git clone https://github.com/ovictoraurelio/orchjs
npm install -g gulp gulp-cli
npm install