
Adds translatable fields to Phalcon models

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Manage translatable fields with Phalcon models


You have a database table MyModel with columns id, value, timestamp and description; but description must be a translatable field.

You can add aTranslation table as

CREATE TABLE `translation` (
  `table` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `field` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `row` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `lang` char(2) NOT NULL,
  `text` text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`table`,`field`,`row`,`lang`)
use \Ovide\Lib\Translate as Translate;

 * Your translatable model
 * @property string $description
class MyModel extends Translate\Model
    public $id;
    public $value;
    public $timestamp;
    protected $_translatable = ['description'];

 * This is a default basic abstract model, but you can add yours
class Translation extends Translate\Adapter\Model\AbstractModel{}

$di = new \Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault();
$di->setShared('db', function () {
    return new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql([/* my config */]);

$di->setShared('translator', function() {
    $service = new Translate\Service();
    //All translatable models from 'db'
    //will use 'Translation' to manage the translations
        ['backendModel' => 'Translation']
    //You can use a default language resolver
    Translate\Model::setLanguageResolver(function() use($di){
        //You can put anything here
        if (isset($_COOKIE['lang'])) return $_COOKIE['lang'];
        return 'en';

Now you can use translatable fiels as normal properties

$model = new MyModel();
$model->value = 'foo';
//Will set the text using the default language
$model->description = 'my description';
//You can change the current language
$model->description = 'mi descripción';
//Or use setter/getter
$model->setTranslation('description', 'la meva descipció', 'ca');


You can use any addapter to store translations. By now there's a Model (SQL) and Collection (Mongo) adapter. Just implement TranslationInterface to create your own.

interface TranslationInterface
    public static function retrieve(Model $model, $pk, array $options = null);
    public function get($field, $language);
    public function set($field, $language, $value);
    public function persist(array $records = null);
    public function remove();