- 4
Inconsistent results between PyPi package, python package installed from repository and web app
#75 opened by chrippel - 2
errors when trying to install scattnlay in Mac
#76 opened by rofenollo - 2
Compilation issues for mac
#69 opened by joebiv98 - 0
Try to use arblib
#47 opened by kostyfisik - 8
Improvements for webapp
#20 opened by kostyfisik - 12
- 0
- 2
Jump of field value at z=0
#43 opened by 10110111 - 1
Command line input
#1 opened by kostyfisik - 3
Large complex argument
#3 opened by kostyfisik - 3
- 0
Additional tests
#4 opened by kostyfisik - 7
SetMaxTerms(-1) yields wrong results
#44 opened by 10110111 - 20
Compilation problem
#18 opened by inzhevatkin - 4
nan values in the central part of the sphere
#24 opened by inzhevatkin - 6
Microsphere nanojet simulation
#19 opened by Jason-code-source - 0
- 0
- 4
Error in the radiative pressure efficiency factor
#10 opened by GN-oub - 5
memory required
#25 opened by inzhevatkin - 1
- 0
Update convergence preset?
#23 opened by kostyfisik - 1
Fused silicon dioxide
#22 opened by RosyRuvalcaba - 4
build errors, nscattlay_dp not found
#16 opened by dvincentwest - 6
possible numerical problems
#17 opened by dvincentwest - 2
switching from Cython to pybind11?
#14 opened by kostyfisik - 1
DOI for scattnay
#2 opened by kostyfisik - 13
Please help with usage of fieldnlay
#6 opened by paulmueller - 1
Add v2.0 tag for new relase
#5 opened by kostyfisik