eCommerce Site for Tech Junkies

Image of Tech Junkies Logo

In this project we will be building a web application for a fictional e-commerce shopping cart.

The website will contain the following four sections:

  • User Information
  • Shopping Cart
  • Shipping Information
  • Checkout with Payment Information

We will be building this web application in 5 steps

  1. Create the html pages for each section (described above)
  2. Create an html layout and link all html pages together
  3. Add JavaScript/jQuery for assisting in such things as calculations for shipping cost and total cost
  4. Implement a database to store and retreive data using AJAX
  5. Create a user login page and other user-focused functionalities

#temporary project3 requirements document link - Anyone with link can edit:


Oswaldo Vielma, Jason Castro, and Reese Trainor