
A CLI and GUI solution to download music from Spotify

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript



A community driven CLI and GUI solution to download music from Spotify Join the chat at https://gitter.im/Lordmau5/node-spotify-downloader

Download entire Spotify playlists, albums or tracks (directly from Spotify at 160kbps) to your local machine.

cli demo


  • ID3 tags
  • Album art image
  • Download entire library
  • Custom folder hierarchy

Known problems

  • ID3 tags don't work with Unicode characters
  • Not possible to download 320kbps (limitation of Spotify Web)


  • Install NodeJS (v4.4.4 LTS) if you haven't already. (NodeJS Downloads)
  • Download this repository as a .zip archive
  • Unpack the contents to a folder of your choice
  • Run npm install from a commandline

CLI Usage

Usage: node main.js [options]


    -h, --help                   output usage information
    -V, --version                output the version number
    -u, --username [username]    Spotify Username (required)
    -p, --password [password]    Spotify Password (required)
    -c, --captcha  [captcha]      ReCaptcha2 (required)
    -s, --fbuid  [fbuid]          facebook uid   (required) alternative
    -t, --fbtoken [fbToken]       facebook token (required) alternative		
    -i, --uri 	   [URI / URL]   Spotify URI / URL for playlist, album or track - another valid input for this is "library"
    -d, --directory [directory]  Download Directory - Default: "download" folder within the same directory
    -f, --folder                 Create a sub-directory for playlist / album / library or specify folder hierarchy format

captcha & Facebook login

Here is some working sample with both Normal and Facebook Login: node main.js ^ --uri https://play.spotify.com/track/4WF7zntvHfsUAw0m3noWby ^ --username bugmenot@mailinator2.com ^ --password qweasd ^ --captcha ^ 03AHJ_VuuBfXWLdhJbG_VujUm6DKGzV3xpTWBZmhjecWbD57e4gA0iD2iYM_eDfOCZPTnZIWU205FMvtOtVfD4hCgHtpnvPsC_GKLN41sOGQpcmkPypg11sJS5cNOPrAExQTFH0cLqdGo1pB3-J8N240LB3quMt32iqZgEcNohjZQE4MyGBP1wXWkwdezzJ_JDjJ1-QXrlp8MBT82qWEb_tNHQ6qc0kvb6s_5wWbbgib7SSFoeKQFYWzGLsQX69WdfYhBdHkxx4FCkSLD6CokGFPPumSGtMesHV3r6haY2Ecw3qt8syiYex7MpZb1TVuR_F9rtu9ue-a5Wbc0H0YFSBQlkPbbPVTFyYNhylMIKL_xBGcKOzfK82K2e2Je_H3lUkoliROA4Xma9RomKHXhbbVIHt2o3b_8FC632kMQNR-LGxXq6Wz6CZZg2T_Hw-9EfLjTXedXJrAneelBhQxjW3vcwUVpt3Cu1KUv_6y-0GetsHFiwp7d8IBBly-iXHGn9UlTLm-w5Kd0excXyTGMcrI7Kwux52a-62i6l_CtIsx8B2M3PLyvZU9ra3wBAF-fjDtnObfAwIP0TH_vAwUzBs91_8pwDrqcBp32OyLHw51gHFKhRbV4t8HaXQXDltEmS-Ot3JH43Fnf-if6xGueV210Y7xgqVlfDsOvttdoO5IKtb-T4_6xhtT0vzpHpcM3mxGQuIqBHK2M3E7SXOXXMSsArHlF0bKVFzGxp4UjHLoisVxrET_SwUDElvL1Ohkf1O4FbU2JoLpyRt7R2FNTo7QvQW9ehmK32-Wvc2y71TbIGk3ttjfpl2EWlgJNooR2l0NjpCafleu_dZy8LY4_giLGfscrbPYnWcj7ZQ7wv-SJcBpS-EgrNN-BKyHf-Wjv-RERVYVrQ3Osne-WbLW2Wq1h6djoHQ0qS4FSqKBci8JddKRGP3UK-oGebMzKL7-mgfjZMUeeVNyT9g4zYZuANKRmup823lX523Q ^ ^ --fbuid 100407737077319 ^ --fbtoken EAAAAKLSe4lIBAEEiksijLZCbkXuIL3BFEnHTFU5x78PrxmjHfIDVsex1Mz0yWFGHLsyTmlONp6gvATBrFttbu4X2DkekXEgrWcuDW1jqfgl3WPfdCCgfeUbrFus4CZCoK2ZCrnEpQ3TZAylt3IRrCr1hGbCnnQOCFWhZAJeClJQZDZD ^

To get --fbuid --fbtoken just what over the should of http://play.spotify.com/ when doing the login via Facebook watch for the form of https://play.spotify.com/xhr/json/auth.php being submited and get authfbuid token from there. You can do that by the developers Tools/Network in Firefox &Chrome.

For normal login you'll need additionally a catcha.

  1. Save this bookmarklet: Spotify Captcha Ripper javascript:a=document.querySelector('.g-recaptcha-response');a.style.display='';a.select();a.focus();1
  2. Solve the Captcha on Spotify Webplayer Login
  3. Run the bookmarklet to make the hidden Captcha result field visible. Copy the value and pass it via --captcha

captcha is only valid once so you need to redo this on each login. So far at the moment Facebook login is really recommended. TO DO: However we may extent the code so you may pass also the sessionID you get on each valid login so after a successfully login you can reuse that without a new login + captcha


If you wanted to download the playlist "Top 100 Hip-Hop Tracks on Spotify", you would use the following command:

node main.js -u yourusername -p yourpassword -i spotify:user:spotify:playlist:06KmJWiQhL0XiV6QQAHsmw
node main.js -u yourusername -p yourpassword -i https://play.spotify.com/user/spotify/playlist/06KmJWiQhL0XiV6QQAHsmw

If you wanted to download the album "Epiphany", you would use the following command:

node main.js -u yourusername -p yourpassword -i spotify:album:44Z1ZEmOyois0QoAgfUxrD
node main.js -u yourusername -p yourpassword -i https://play.spotify.com/album/44Z1ZEmOyois0QoAgfUxrD

If you wanted to download the track "2Pac I Get Around", you would use the following command:

node main.js -u yourusername -p yourpassword -i spotify:track:74kHlIr01X459gqsSdNilW
node main.js -u yourusername -p yourpassword -i https://play.spotify.com/track/74kHlIr01X459gqsSdNilW

Path format

If you pass -f flag without specifying a file path template, it will save the songs inside a folder with the name of the album/playlist, or inside a Library folder in case you are downloading all saved songs (-i library).

If you want to specify a path template, the following tokens are available:

  • {track.name}

  • {track.number}

  • {track.artists} (list of track artists names separated by a comma)

  • {artist.name} (name of the first artist)

  • {album.name}

  • {album.year}

  • {album.artists}

  • {user} (user name used for downloading)

  • {id} (ID of what is being downloaded)

  • {b64uri} (Spotify URI to be downloaded, base64 encoded)

In case of playlists and library, these tokens are also available:

  • {playlist.name} ("Library" in case of library download)
  • {playlist.trackCount} (the total number of tracks in the playlist or library)
  • {playlist.user} (owner of the playlist)
  • {index} (the index of the track in the playlist or library, not in the album it belogs to)

To get the ID of a track, album, artist or playlist, use the respective .id attribute ({track.id}, {album.id}, {artist.id}, or {playlist.id}).
The same thing applies to the .b64uri attribute, which return a base64 version of the resource's URI.

e.g. -f "{artist.name}/{album.name} [{album.year}]/{track.name}" will result in: Rammstein/Mutter [2001]/Sonne.mp3

e.g. -f "{playlist.name}/{index} - {artist.name} - {track.name}" for a playlist: will result in My playlist/18 - The Artist - The Song.mp3

e.g. -f "{artist.name} - {album.name} [{album.year}]/{track.number} - {artist.name} - {track.name}" for an album: will result in The Artist - The Album [2015]/18 - The Artist - The Song.mp3

Passing -f legacy will result in the format: {artist.name}/{album.name} [{album.year}]/{artist.name} - {track.name}

To run it from a Web browser

To open in browser, just run from terminal/cmd file run.sh/run.bat (depends of your OS) this file will install all needed modules an start a local server (address will be displayed in terminal, by default is http://localhost:3001). Just open this address in your browser and ... enjoy :)


  • Don't use it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)