Lego bricks to build Apache Kafka serializers and deserializers
- 5
Update to Scala 2.13
#92 opened by UkonnRa - 1
Can't download the dependency from maven anymore
#166 opened by TakiuGit - 5
Publish to Maven Central
#51 opened by zarthross - 0
Add other configurations like auto.offset.reset or group.id to KafkaConsumer/Producer
#122 opened by sahand1995 - 5
Support for avro4s 2+
#48 opened by DanieleSassoli - 1
Remove JerseySchemaRegistryClient
#53 opened by filosganga - 2
- 1
Add schema registry client based on http4s
#46 opened by filosganga - 0
Provide a release changelog
#49 opened by mwz - 0
Add deserializer with fallback
#47 opened by filosganga - 1
Update to CircleCi v2
#29 opened by filosganga - 3
- 2
NullPointerException in CirceSerialization
#37 opened by perryao - 2
- 5
API inconsistencies
#26 opened by oliverlockwood - 0
- 1
Incompatibility with Kafka-connect
#16 opened by inneractive-opensrc - 0
Add microsite documentation
#23 opened by filosganga - 0
Miss the confluent resolver
#3 opened by filosganga - 0
Try to use coursier in circleci
#12 opened by filosganga