Content Record Scraper


This repository contains a scraper that will scrape information from several different DACs:

  • Content Record DAC
  • Feed DAC
  • Social DAC

It will periodically download the index and page files used by these DACs and persist whatever content is in them into a Mongo database. By doing so we essentially collect a database of content and users, and have all the means to discover relationships between them. Which user is creating the most content, which skapp is most popular, what user interacts with what type of content and so on.

Data Model

In the mongo database there will be three collections:

  • entries:

In the entries collection we keep track of all of the content that gets created, alongside all the interactions that occur with that content. In the users collection we keep track of all the users and we also keep state. This state prevents the scraper from unnecessarily re-indexing already indexed content and/or interactions.

  • events:

The events collection is only there for debugging purposes and contains some extra information about how the scraper is performing. Things like duration, errors, amount of entities added and so on. This collection automatically removes entries older than a week to ensure this collection does not perpetually grows in size.

  • users:

The users are very important as they will need to be feeded to the scraper. The scraper does not extend its user base on its own, it will only scan the content records for the users it knows, and keep those up-to-date.

  • lists:

The lists collection contains several allow- and blocklist that provide us the flexibility of allowing or blocking certain skapps and or users.


The scraper is built around a series of cronjobs that scrape the entries from the Content Record DAC and the Feed DAC. Therefore we currently have the following cronjobs:

  • fetch skapps
  • fetch user profiles
  • fetch skyfeed users
  • fetch comments (Feed DAC)
  • fetch posts (Feed DAC)
  • fetch new content (CR DAC)
  • fetch interactions (CR DAC)

The cronjobs run every 15 minutes, however they are guarded by a mutex so if a cron is not finished after 15 minutes, it will not spin a new worker, instead it will wait until the next iteration.

Fetch skapps one has only one job which is to update the user's skapp list. This list of skapp names is kept in a separate json file by the content record DAC. We periodically download that and update the user object in our database.

Fetch new content is slightly more involved, but simply put will scrape all users in the user DB and look for new content entries and add them. The content record DAC keeps an index file that points to a fanout file called a page. The scraper will internally keep track of its latest sync offsets.

The algorithm itself is simple, it will simply download new entries from its previous offset, to the current offset. When it is done it will update the user's state in the database. This ensures that restarting the scraper does not mean we have to re-index.

Fetch new interactions is identical to the fetching new content, it will just keep track of different offsets in the user object.

NOTE: it is perfectly possible to reset the state or re-index by doing manual queries on the mongo database, or simply throw it away alltogether

Environment Variables

The scraper needs some environment variables set to be able to run. If you want to run the scraper using non-default settings, be sure to update these, the scraper will log its current env variables when it boots.

  • MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING: defaults to mongodb://localhost:27017
  • MONGO_DB_NAME: defaults to content-record
  • CONTENTRECORD_DAC_DATA_DOMAIN: defaults to contentrecord.hns
  • SKYNET_PORTAL_URL: defaults to

Arguably the most important environment variable is:


set that to your accounts cookie to ensure the scraper is using your account, and is not ratelimited. Without an account this scraper won't perform as good, if you do decide to run it without an account, please adjust the API rate limits, defined in crons/index.ts:34.

The following variables allow temporarily disabling some of the crons.


If you run the scraper with the following environment variable, it will alter the cron time to run every job every minute.


To scrape the DACs we need to specify the data domains. These variables will default to the correct domain, but for debugging purposes it can be useful to alter these:



docker-compose up -d
npm run start

If you want to develop or debug manually, you can comment out the scraper service and connect only to mongo. Then however you have to start the scraper manually by executing in scripts.

NOTE: the scraper runs off of user data that needs to be feeded to the scraper. That data are users, so there is a user discovery part that is not included in the scraper, instead there's another process that simply inserts an empty user object in the database, which gets picked up by the scraper from there on out.

This is important if you want to debug the scraper. To do so, simply insert a user record manually. See utils.ts for an example of an empty user object.

You can do this through the mongo shell or use a mongo client like Robo3T or MongoDB Compass. We bootstrap a bunch of users when the scraper starts.


The script folder contains a that will build the image and publish it to our docker hub.