
:jigsaw: :exploding_head: Jigsaw puzzles framework for JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

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🧩 🤯 Headbreaker

Jigsaw Puzzles Framework for JavaScript

headbreaker - a spanish pun for rompecabezas - is a JavaScript framework for building all kind of jigsaw puzzles.

☑️ Features

  • 100% pure JavaScript
  • Headless support domain-model
  • Highly tested
  • Customizable data-model
  • Zero-dependencies - although Konva.js is used a a rendering backed, it is an optional dependency which can be replaced with custom code

📦 Installing

npm install --save headbreaker

# optional: manually add konva to your project if you want to use
# it as rendering backend
npm install --save konva

⏳ TL;DR sample

If you just want to see a - very basic - 2x2 puzzle in your web-browser, then create an HTML file with the following contents 😁:

<script src="https://flbulgarelli.github.io/headbreaker/js/headbreaker.js"></script>
  <div id="puzzle"></div>
    const autogen = new headbreaker.Canvas('puzzle', {
      width: 800, height: 650,
      pieceSize: 100, proximity: 20,
      borderFill: 10, strokeWidth: 2, lineSoftness: 0.18,
      horizontalPiecesCount: 2,
      verticalPiecesCount: 2,
      metadata: [
        {color: '#B83361'},
        {color: '#B87D32'},
        {color: '#A4C234'},
        {color: '#37AB8C'}

And voilà! 🎊

sample puzzle

However, there is a lot more that headbreaker can do for you. These are some of its coolest features:

  • Customizable pieces outlines
  • Irregular pieces
  • Image support
  • Sound support
  • Event system
  • Automatic validation
  • Data import and export

🏁 Quick start

headbreaker is a library which solves two different - but-related - problems:

  • It implements a jigsaw-like data-structure, which can be used in tasks like modelling, traversing, importing and exporting and - of course - rendering. This data-structure is 100% pure JavaScript, with no dependencies, and can be used both in browsers and headless environments.
  • It implements a simple and generic rendering system for the Web. headbreaker also ships a 100% functional Konva.js-based implementation, but you may want to develop and use your own implementation.

headbreaker is designed to be included and compiled in your project as a node module, but you can also import it directly in your static pages from https://flbulgarelli.github.io/headbreaker/js/headbreaker.js.

HTML Puzzle

<!-- just add a div with an id... -->
<div id="my-canvas">

  // ...and a script with the following code:
  let dali = new Image();
  dali.src = 'static/dali.jpg';
  dali.onload = () => {
    const canvas = new headbreaker.Canvas('my-canvas', {
      width: 800, height: 800, image: dali

Headless Puzzle

// headbreaker can also be loaded on the server, which allows to
// fully manipulate its model
const headbreaker = require('headbreaker');

// Create a puzzle
const puzzle = new headbreaker.Puzzle();
  .newPiece({right: Tab})
  .locateAt(0, 0);
  .newPiece({left: Slot, right: Tab})
  .locateAt(3, 0);
  .newPiece({left: Slot, right: Tab, down: Slot})
  .locateAt(6, 0);
  .newPiece({up: Tab})
  .locateAt(6, 3);

// Connect puzzle's nearby pieces

// Translate puzzle
puzzle.translate(10, 10);

// Shuffle pieces
puzzle.shuffle(100, 100);

// Relocate pieces to fit into a bounding box
// while preserving their relative positions, if possible
puzzle.reframe(vector(0, 0), vector(20, 20));

// Directly manipulate pieces
const [a, b, c, d] = puzzle.pieces;

// Drag a piece 10 steps right and 5 steps down
a.drag(10, 5);

// Connect two pieces (if possible)

// Export and import puzzle
const dump = puzzle.export();
const otherPuzzle = headbreaker.Puzzle.import(dump);

👀 Demo and API Docs

See flbulgarelli.github.io/headbreaker

❓ Questions

Do you have any questions or doubts? Please feel free to check the existing discussions or open a new one 🙋.

🏗 Develop

# install project
$ npm install
# run tests
$ npm run test
# build whole project
$ npm run all
# start docs site locally
# requires mkdocs
$ mkdocs serve
